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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Ohhhh it's just pickup. Now it makes sense.
  2. Sorry, I'd just never seen a system like this.
  3. I wish that always worked :(
  4. Whatever works, I guess. Definitely wouldn't work for me.
  5. The team doesn't have a choice in what goalie they use?
  6. I would definitely not do that, it would change how my skates fit way too much. I got one of these and cut the bottom out of it so its basically just a 3" tall cuff. Been wearing that with my original Makos for years.
  7. Yea they gave me a whole list of stuff to avoid. They just called me to up my dosage again. Went from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.3 since Monday. They need it between 2 and 3.
  8. Well, I got my cast off today. Doctor said it was healing nicely. About time I got some good news. I was given a walking boot as well as an ankle brace (to wear so I can drive) and a set of exercises to start working on ankle mobility. She said I can start beating weight while in the walking boot but only about 10% at this point, and to gradually increase. She he said most people wear the brace all the time even under the boot so you don't have to switch between them and just wear the boot when I'm walking. Unfortunately the calf pain from the blood clot makes moving my ankle pretty painful so that may have to wait until the thinners really start working. Baby steps...
  9. I just set up a search on eBay for them a while back. I'll occasionally still get email notifications. you could also try icewarehouse
  10. Yea, upper edge of the skate digging in. Ive been wearing a neoprene sleeve on my ankle since I first got my original makos. Has worked perfectly.
  11. Awesome. Nurse just called me to tell me to increase my dose of blood thinners, that there will be somebody stopping by my home wed, thurs and fri this week for blood tests, and that I will be on these meds for "3-6 months", which is very different from "3 months" I was told at the hospital. Oh, and my grandma died this morning.
  12. Developed pain in my calf in the leg in the cast. Spent a fortune on an uber to go tongue hospital for blood work. Positive. Moved into another department to have my cast cut off and an ultrasound done. Positive. Immediately moved into the emergency ward. Prescribed blood thinner injections twice daily for 7 days, meanwhile also starting a once a day pill that I'll be taking for three months. That's about a month after my PT would have ended so I guess the timing isn't too terrible as its not like I can't be doing PT and some strength training in the mean time. If anything, it's forcing me to not rush back from the ankle break I'll get an extra month to regain my leg strength. They also put me back into a cast. This one seems much tighter than the other one. I was actually able to move my foot around a bit in the other one. Not at all in this one. I actually kind of like it better. It should only be on for two days though, as my appointment for X-rays out of plaster is Wednesday. The doctor said two weeks ago to come back this Friday but the only appointment they had was Wednesday unless I wanted to wait until the 30th. She told me on the phone that "two days before or after the requested date is still considered normal" and that they take that into consideration when they give you a return date anyway. Sigh... I miss my team :(
  13. Blood clot in my leg is minor. Injections of blood thinners every 12 hours and pills daily for 3 months. Could have been a lot worse!!
  14. In the emergency room with a blood clot in my leg.
  15. As far as I know, goalie gear is all unisex except for the jock. Or at least, women's versions don't exist as far as I've ever seen. Maybe you could get something custom made.
  16. If I was skating out I'd agree with you, but I'm much less worried playing goal, especially with the support VH skates offer. But regardless, I do agree that rushing it doesn't make sense. As for your phobia, I think a new pair of skates that you're excited to use would help a lot, but also I'd get a set of shot blockers just so you feel extra protected. I know I'll definitely be getting some if I ever skate out again, even though my injury wasn't caused by a shot. I'd just feel better knowing it's a bit better protected.
  17. Now that's some messed up logic right there.
  18. To compare that to my situation where I was also the cause of both of us going down, there is absolutely no excuse for a violent action with the intent to injure regardless of whatever prior contact there may have been. There is no reason for somebody to cross check you in the face or pummel you in the back of the head after tackling you from behind. None.
  19. I thought goalie would be rough on the knees, but it really isn't at all. It's more the hips than anything.
  20. I don't want chinsy crap called, but anything violent should be dealt with immediately. We're not talking about hooking, holding and tripping, here. We're talking about idiots who can't control themselves and start swinging as their first reaction. I think even beer leaguers should be able to understand and accept the difference.
  21. The league director in the league I used to play in sent out this email last year. I think I'm going to forward it to my current director:
  22. With this thread being as old and short as it is, you should also check out this thread http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/66097-starting-in-goal-as-an-adult/
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