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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. New Re-Akt helmet in black, along with two new pairs of Warrior Koncepts. Once I found out they were being discontinued, I grabbed another pair of black/red, as well as black. I still need to get a pair of navy.
  2. Bauer shoulders gone too. Helmets and elbows still available.
  3. They were claimed, but never paid for. I'm going to PM that person right now and if I don't hear back from them in 24 hours, they're yours.
  4. A Utah Grizzlies player gave me two tickets to their game vs the Ontario Reign tonight. But here I am, still stuck at work :(
  5. CCM Shoulders pending sale Bauer Shoulders pending sale
  6. Shoulders and elbows are all size L
  7. Sorry guys, still haven't had a chance to look. Too busy with work. Will try tonight or tomorrow. Sigh.
  8. And yet I have nothing compared to some of the guys on here. I've at least used all my gloves... I suspect that's not the case for some of the guys who just buy up gloves to be part of their collection :P
  9. Doh! Sorry - helmets are both L. I have to check on the shoulders (and elbows). I THINK they're M. Will confirm ASAP.
  10. Ah, got it. I had read it as if you checked your hockey bag for free but had to pay extra for the stick. Sorry about that. (Still going to keep bringing that printout with me when I travel - you never know when you might get a "green" SWA employee!)
  11. Cleaning out old stuff. None of my gear has any sort of smell - it's hung up to dry with a box fan on it after every game. Prices are negotiable! Bauer 2X SR Goalie Glove - Regular Hand - $198 Black and white, used twice for pickup. A couple puck marks. Didn't like it. Brown 2400 SR Goalie Jock - BRAND NEW - $60 Brand new, never used. Custom ordered item that can't be returned. SOLD ITEMS BELOW: REMOVED ITEMS BELOW:
  12. Why did you pay extra for the stick? Southwest's policy is one hockey bag and one stick bag (or pair of sticks taped together) counts as a single checked item. I guess it was a good idea that I brought a printout of their hockey bag policy with me to Winterfest, even if I didn't end up needing it.
  13. Was cleaning out the garage today to get ready to post a for sale thread. Took a photo of all (well, MOST- where the hell is my other Projekt glove??!) my gloves. iPhone panorama does a decent job, but still a bit of wonkyness ;)
  14. Yep, the mako is pretty much the last effort before looking to customs.
  15. I didn't say any top end skate would fix my issues. I'm saying since there is no lower model mako, ill be paying more (double) than I'm used to paying for skates (assuming they fit when I try them). I'm okay with that if it solves my issues.
  16. For sure. But I have no need for a top-end skate ;) But I'm glad to pay it if it means I finally found something that works for me.
  17. When I found out these things had been discontinued, I had to snag an extra pair. I also just got this. Bought the Stanley Cup edition partially so I get the nice metal case with the cup, and partially so I don't have to have Giroux on the cover.
  18. Ouch that hurts the wallet. Though if it's going to finally end my search for skates that are comfortable, I suppose it's well worth it.
  19. I saw that ad a few months ago and checked out the site. Just honestly couldn't think of anything to use for a custom hat. Plus I don't wear hats, usually. Otherwise, very cool idea.
  20. Well, it WAS nice to finally get to see some snow after all this time in SoCal. I swear I almost cried as we crossed back into the US though :( Didn't help that I get pulled in by CBP every. single. time. because I have the same name as a 6'3 black man with a warrant.
  21. Speaking of going home, I'm flying back home today after spending a week in Canada :(
  22. Probably just means "Total One". Also, not sure the "show it off" thread is the correct place for this, for future reference :)
  23. I also have the 2012 projects (obviously). I find the 2012 Koncepts pretty much identical in every way except for the cuff. Maybe I'm missing something. I honestly didn't mind the tightness off the cuff, but more that it interfered with my elbow pads. Hence moving to the Koncept, that has an identical fit with a wider cuff.
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