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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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laserrobottime last won the day on May 12 2018

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149 Excellent

About laserrobottime

  • Birthday April 21


  • Skates
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer OSG 1000
  • Elbow Pads
  • Pants
    Custom (Combat 100 w/ Stevens Pads sewn in)
  • Helmet
    CCM V08 and Oakley Pro Straight Small Visor
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    Easton Mako

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  1. That's a fine jersey -- it's thin, so if you're in a cold rink make sure you wear something warm under it. For elbow pads, player pads are going to be very bulky, regardless of the sweater you choose. If you're just starting out reffing, you'd be better served by wearing volleyball knee pads as elbows. I did 9 years in the ECHL and AHL wearing soft foam elbow pads.
  2. This echoes my experience. The VH skates that Scott made for me were leagues better than the Trues I got recently.
  3. These are my fourth pair of VH/True skates, bud. I know how to heat mold them without damaging the quarter. I'm not saying True makes a bad product, and I had great success skating pain-free in my other VH skates. The fit on these new boots is so bad, however, I still can't get the right fit around a tailor's bunion due to the construction of the skate. The bottom of the boot is not flat all the way across, and curves up around my foot in a way that constantly irritates the bunion, regardless of which insole/insert I wear in them. I worked very closely with the rep on both sets of tracings (the original and the re-make) to ensure a fit issue like this wouldn't happen. Unfortunately, the combination of a skate that doesn't fit quite right and finding the pulled eyelet has me very frustrated with the entire experience.
  4. I am outside the warranty period. Skates were ordered in March, and sat all summer.
  5. Has anyone had success fixing an ovalized eyelet hole in these? I've worn my new True skates exactly 1 time and an eyelet has pulled in the quarter -- the eyelet itself is round, but the quarter package hole is now larger than the eyelet. Overall, I'm incredibly disappointed with my new True skates after being in VH for almost 5 years. The construction is sloppy, the sizing on my pair was so bad they had to re-make them, and now the durability is laughable. The rep I worked with was so frustrating to deal with I'm about to bin these skates having discovered the eyelet issue.
  6. Update on my custom Graf skates: they’re perfect. Unbelievably good. Better overall fit than my highest expectations. The boot is definitely a lower cut but after 5 minutes on the ice I felt quite comfortable. The boot pitch has me too far forward on my profiled steel but I’ll adjust that. ZERO foot pain in my bunionettes, navicular, or bunions.
  7. I'm under a pro deal so I went through a rep. Retail custom process requires a visit to a dealer and is a $100+ upcharge from retail price. Final cost depends on what you request on the skates.
  8. They're totally custom, they built up a last from tracings and photos of my feet. They recommended I go with a medium-depth boot and tight heel, so it's not entirely comparable to either.
  9. My new Graf 755 Pros. Had these made up last month: Carbon quarter, AMC liner, oversized toe cap, asymmetric tongue, LS Edge holder. Still haven't been able to get on the ice with them, but the fit is spot-on.
  10. I have old Shimano cycling shoe bags and a vacuum pump...this may be awesome.
  11. And today, I just picked up my new True skates. Under the footbed there's a layer of plastic film and then the layer of masking tape.
  12. It's on the inside of the skate...
  13. I have had my VH Skates since 2013 and the outsole/midsole is covered with masking tape. I officiate at a very high level, 3-5 games per week. I (last week) had the Milwaukee equipment manager replace the first rivet on these skates for coming loose. I'm only one data point, but I have not had any more rivet issues with these skates than any others.
  14. Hey all, I've got some time in the Super Tacks and wanted to update you: Foot profile: I have a wide forefoot with a tall instep side, a medium arch, an accessory navicular and a tailor's bunion on each foot that cause major fitment and comfort problems in stock skates. Super Tacks fit: The skates are really, really nice. I opted for the oversize toe cap and I'm glad I did. The width of the skate and toe cap junction combined with the moldability make for a perfect fit at the forefoot. The oversize toebox makes for an almost Mako-like anatomic profile around my toes. I have not needed to punch the navicular out on my right foot but probably will on the left as the bone sticks out far enough to affect wrap over the top of the inside of my left foot. These skates are lower cut than my VH and that makes for a bit of an awkward transition on the ice for a few minutes. The heel lock is astoundingly good -- zero slop and they actually form enough suction at the heel when taking them off that they burp. The skates feel a lot like the Graf 9035 in height and overall pitch. They do not wrap like my VH but I expected that. Performance: Again, very happy here. I have VH-levels of comfort in the boot and the stiffness feels very similar. My feet do not develop hot spots or ache after skating. Forward flex is a little more limited than in my VH but laterally they feel very similar. Because they're lower on the ankle than the VH I don't feel as secure on the ice during turns but that's probably a matter of getting used to this boot. Custom process: I ordered through a league rep and it was all done manually, there are no order forms for the super tacks skate yet. I'd requested the 50K Nash/Clarino liner but that wasn't possible so I got full Clarino. I did not request lacing mods but the way the boot is built it looks like they are possible. The skates took 2 weeks and were overnighted to me from Quebec when they were ready. I ended up paying slightly less than half of what I would have for a new pair VH skates all-in. If you have more questions let me know.
  15. I do indeed. My VHs are starting to break down, so I picked these up. PM me your e-mail address and I'll keep you in the loop!
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