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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kosydar

  1. You sound like you're straight from The Pick Up Artist.
  2. With Philly probably.
  3. Were those the ones with the wood paneling on the face?
  4. He has an interview on mapleleafs.com
  5. I wanted Microns so bad when I was a kid.
  6. All these pics your posting are really building your internet cred.
  7. Thats a pretty nuts ending to that game though. What the hell was Andy Murray thinking putting Tkachuk out there with a second left?
  8. Well from what I've read about him he is exactly what the Leafs need in terms of prospects. They are set for many years to come on defense and have decent depth at center. Scoring wingers are really whats needed. Besides Kulemin and Earl they are pretty bare at wingers who could ever be anything beyond a career third liner.
  9. I'd love it if he got picked up by Toronto.
  10. Those are sweet, but I have a huge spot in my heart for Hespeler gloves. My Classic Pros were my favorite gloves ever, Chadd knows what I'm talking about.
  11. We can work out some sort of shared custody thing
  12. Damn JR I missed those Sundins you got. If you ever want to unload them, I'm your man.
  13. Actually, Blue Collar Man and Renegade are great rockers. By the way, did you ever see the "Behind The Music" episode on them? Apparently, Dennis De Young really liked concept albums and pushed the other members of the band to write songs in that vein for Killroy Was Here. Then he wanted them to act out the album during the concerts, to the point of people booing them off the stage, because they wouldn't play music for the first fifteen minutes of each show. So, while discussing the break up of the band after that tour, Tommy Shaw shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I guess I just ran out of songs about robots....." The part of the band that is still united played at the county fair here this summer. Not a bad show at all, but I'm a fan.
  14. With one or two exceptions I couldn't disagree more.
  15. http://tsn.ca/nhl/feature/?fid=10631&hubname= Right now he isn't projected to go in the first round, but thats not to say things won't change. I remember last year at this time Esposito was the clear cut #1, and now they have him at #3.
  16. Heres one of me reffing that I find amusing. I know I should have waited for my other linesman, but I'll be damned if I didn't dominate the 275 pound guy. http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/7685/n1...26654442fi6.jpg
  17. It will be a team that nobody likes that will reach the Final. They will probably win the Cup, and after brief fan support in the playoffs, they will fall off the face of the Earth again. The next season they will be amongst the worst team in the league because everybody on the team will rightfully ask for a raise. So the Cup champs can only afford to retain a handful of their players and the team will have a completely different makeup. But don't worry, the NHL is saved.
  18. What age group is that, Atom? I feel like my computer is being flagged by some online watchdog group for looking at pictures of kids that young.
  19. I always listed myself as 6'3" 225 when in reality I'm 5'10" 180. Who knows if anyone every bought into it.
  20. It makes sticktimes more enjoyable for the players. Same goes for drop in. My rink is smart in that they realize if a player goes to a drop in or stick time and there is no goalie, they most likely won't come back soon. If there is a goalie, they have a better time and want to go more.
  21. They let goalies in for free at stick time at my rink.
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