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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by z1ggy

  1. I didn't realize these were $10... So i just bought a set. I thought these would be like $30+ so I wasn't sure. No brainer to try these out for $10.
  2. Anybody try these out yet? I get megggaaa sweaty feet, so I do want to do something other than air dry. I have no choice but to put mine in my garage which has no ventilation at all. All I do now is tip them upside down and unlace a little bit.
  3. So PSH agreed they sent me the wrong pair, I got a full refund. Are the 70X's really hard to find in medium? Literally 0 places I can find them... PSH says they don't have any in stock either, and all else I can find are L or XL. I could probably fit into L's but I'd be running into the same issues with them falling down a bit and having to crank the zipper. Any other pro stock pants with extra padding that are a more "traditional fit"?
  4. Give True a try. I know you said you got VH's but if you just did the old school pictures + foot stencil... that's not as good as the scans they do now. I've baked my True's 2x now plus did a shrink wrap over the instep and heel and it's much better fitting than anything else, even Mako. I'm like you, wider forefoot and more narrow/small heel. I had the same issues with my Mako heel cup.... the heating with the heat gun and using clamps didn't work that well for me, if at all. I just dealt with it and got used to it. If you don't want True's the FT2 also fit similarly to Mako albeit a little more narrow overall. With the 90 day play and return thing... it's a no brainer to try them, it's quite literally free if you don't like them. If they fit half way decent and you think you might keep them, I'm sure you could bake those a few times, and punch out any spots, or bring in anything that's too loose.
  5. I use Proguard, which I think are the ones that come stock in my Trues. I think they are 1/2'' thick. Just don't use Elite... total junk.
  6. Yeah I've read your stuff about the foot and ankle strengthening and the skating going down eyelets. Problem right now is ice is getting harder to come by now that high school and all the other teams get priority so stick times and pick up hockey is getting harder to find.
  7. Anybody find after a bunch of hours in the boot, that it opens up a bit? I've baked mine twice and put about... 15 hours in them now and I'm finding recently that my foot has a little extra wiggle room than previously. Mainly in the instep/ankle/heel area. Should I rebake and re-wrap them?
  8. I thought there's a video out there roughly showing the process in the CCM factory, even showing the bajillion random lasts they have floating around?? In fact I swear I saw the video which was linked in a thread on this website. I mean... do you want you skates to look all indented and janky? If they fit awesome, then... job well done, no?
  9. Agreed. Messaged a seller on Sideline Swap who was selling HP70X's and asked if his had the X designation or not, and he said they did. Eh, as long as it's 0 cost to me, I would rather return them and get what I actually wanted. There's nothing wrong with my HP45X and they are my pant I game right now, so it's not like I'm in dire need of pants for an upcoming game or something.
  10. The "instructions" provided in the box actually say not to use any kind of spray and to only use warm soap and water, and to wipe down with micro fiber towel. That's all I've done so far, and it's worked just fine. I just need to be conscious when I take my gloves off between shifts to not try to touch it, because it does attract grease and sweat easily. Usually between shifts, I unbuckle it and flop it up to give my face a little air and it prevents me from touching it by mistake.
  11. Did you use the same exact stick in 87 and 77 flex? I don't find massive differences between the two flexes if I go to the store and flex on some different ones in the same stick. I've found for sure though some brands have much stiffer profiles than others. The new Sherwood sticks play at least 10-15 flex higher than rated, compared to CCM & Bauer. I find flex profile matters a lot too - My old 85 flex RBZ felt way more stout during shots than my 85 flex DT4 and my QRL. There's no reason you need to go spend $300 to do an experiment. I've used 85 flex for a really long time but recently moved down to 77 and I'm never going back to 85. My shots are actually more powerful now than before and I haven't noticed any reduction in "quickness" of the release. I'm sure it's slower, but... we're talking tenths of a second I'm sure. Makes 0 difference to a guy like me playing weekend pick up and beer league.
  12. OK so I got the HP70 but... the inner tag doesn't say X like on my HP45X's. Did they send me the regular HP70 and not the "xtra padding" version? See pics. My HP45X pro stock: The order I placed for HP70X: I found this picture online when I typed in "HP70X CCM"
  13. K I've had 2 games with the shield now, 0 issues. No fog or anything else.... Highly recommend.
  14. Depends what you consider a good deal. I got my FT2 for $170 and I see a bunch of 1X Lite out there for $150 or sometimes less.
  15. I overlaid the P90T FT2 stick over the p28 pro stock and the prostock is maaaaaybe like 1/16'' taller just near the hosel area but not along the entirety of it.
  16. So I think the p28 looking shorter is just camera angle stuff. First pic the P28 is in the back, second picture I moved it to the front. I played another game with P90T and it 100% keeps shots lower and backhands are way easier. Could be the FT2 being a different kick point than my DT4 but I think it has more to do with curve.
  17. I don't think P28 is shorter in blade length, I just think the actual curve is a little more pronounced (deeper maybe?) so it tricks your eye into thinking it's shorter. It's like, which is shorter, a straight line that's 4 inches long, or a segment of a circle that's 4 inches from start to finish? Both are 4 inches long, but the curled line of the circle would probably fool your brain into looking shorter because it takes up less room in a given area.
  18. Yeah I would agree. Yeah I'll do that tonight after work.
  19. You sir are correct. P90T is left most in both photos and is a prostock FT2. Middle is pro stock P28 but I just checked, there's actually no curve marker on the stick, so it could be slightly off compared to retail, which... is the right most stick which is a Warrior DT4 Yakupov curve which is a P28 clone. Here's some better pics: The only thing I notice is retail P28 on the right has a little more open toe, and it's got a little more curve to it than the other two. I wonder if the Vatrano stick I have is actually a P90T. I read online that many pro's were using that curve for a while but it wasn't really marked as anything. Could just be marked as "toe curve" on sites like PSH. To my eye, they are almost indistinguishable in curve when you compare them to the right-most stick.
  20. I am. Seems to good to be true and you know what they say about that...
  21. Middle blade what from the first pic and right blade what on the bottom?
  22. There is still a blind spot with the FV1, too, exactly as you said, which were the "Cage" part meets the visor. It's better with FV1 because it's clear, but it is noticeable still, at least for me.
  23. K so as requested here are some pictures of three blades I own. One is P28 retail, another is P90T and another is P28 from pro stock. I'm not going to say what is what because I really want to see if people here can honestly tell a difference just by looking. Here's 2 of the same two sticks out of the three here, but with different lighting: If you guess which blade is what then you.... you get a cookie or something.
  24. So I got the FV1 on my helmet and out for a skate. It took a little while to get used to but I do like it so far. It's not some magic bullet as I still feel there's kind of a "blind spot when the puck is in my feet, but I experienced 0 fogging issues at all. The worst thing to happen was I ended up touching the mask with my sweat finger during a rest and that caused a little smudge but it wasn't really that noticeable. I also had the Tron hybrid that I put on and I didn't like it as much because of the metal cage on the bottom. It was more of a distraction but I'm sure I could get used to it. For right now I just don't see a reason to keep it unless the FV1 starts giving me issues.
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