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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by z1ggy

  1. Old thread but I'm bringing it back from the depths because I'm trying to decide if I want to buy HP45X or UCLX pants to replace my CCM QLT pants (I think these are some model of RBZ?) I find the padding in my current pants not adequate and that they run a little bit big. I'm pulling the strap as tight as possible on them... They are size L and I usually take 34 waist pants. I find the leg length pretty spot on. Am 5 10 195lb. Any suggestions on sizing between the two? I tend to like slightly beefier/bulky pants and as much protection as possible. People in my league love to hook/slash the crap out of you and have no qualms about clapping one right at you.
  2. Those new skates do look pretty sick. Love the stealthy blacked out look.
  3. Never had this issue with my Step steel and infact it needed much less sharpening and stayed in better condition than any other stock steel I've had. I'd just have Step replace them, maybe they had a bad run at the factory or something and the material properties are different.
  4. I've never owned a pair of skates that didn't need tweaking in some fashion. Whether it be multiple bakes, punching out a spot, different runner profile, lacing differently or different laces altogether and so on. What do you think is your main problem? Did you get fit by a "pro" for these or just blind buy? Vapor boot fits a little differently than Supreme, even when going from Vapor EE to Supreme D.
  5. Gotta agree here. I was so used to how tight retail skates (or loose) were on me, when I got my True's I thought they were horrible fit. Turns out they needed just a mild tweak, essentially only because my fitter decided to not shrink wrap me right off the bat. Once I had them baked and wrapped... they felt so good on the ice. The way the skate fits is just not the same as your retail 1X or FT2, etc. Now that I've spent a few hours in the boot, I'm 100% used to it and I'm all about it. As long as your fitter scanned you properly I see no reason why the boot would be a really bad fit. Little tweaks are to be expected still IMO. I've never had a single skate my entire life that didn't need some kind of adjustment.
  6. My fitter also put my foot in the size gauge and took a picture of it and sent that along with my filled out form and my scan. This way, there should be 3 methods of confirming the boot length. The length for me was literally spot on, I was extremely impressed. Anybody who is getting a boot that's more than 1/2 size off probably had a mistake made by True in that they literally made you somebody else's boot by mistake (seems unlikely) or your shop guy made a boo-boo somehow. Regardless, your shop just saying oh well here's a refund, go away... that's very sketchy and makes me think they might not know what they are doing. Like i mentioned pages ago when I was going through this process, my shop told me they have made over 500 pairs with no real issues. And I believe them too because my other choice was an even more expensive pair of custom FT2, and they convinced me to go with True, so...It wasn't like they were up selling me True.
  7. Nope... wanted to keep the CCM holder because that's what I'd been skating on since March. I'm glad too because the pitch of the boot is just right for me and if I had an even more aggressive holder hooked up, I think it would have been too much.
  8. I mean... I think True uses Step now, but I wanted the black coated version. One, I like the look of black on black and two, I believe the steel itself is actually taller than what comes stock on True's now. I know they give you two sets (or so I hear) but I'd rather have the taller steel and my current holders that I'm used to.
  9. I just can't see myself spending $300 for a stick that will break in a few months. I never had the blade chipping issues because I fully tape off my toe but something that light does worry me. I heard the 1X lite's had horrible durability. So far, none of my Warrior sticks have ever broken.. I tend to replace them when they start to lose their snappy feel.
  10. Yeah, which is why I'm switching to Step.. Already have my order out for some.
  11. Haha this is the thread JR was referencing in the thread I just made regarding the kid who honed off my finish. No harm no foul I guess because no performance difference, but just cosmetic damage is a bit annoying. I can go key your car door and it'll still work, but that's pretty brutal to see each and every day.
  12. It looks worse in person, the lighting in my garage is horrible, but here it is. Both sides of each runner basically look like this. Only had these runners for... 5 skates now? So they were mint prior to this.
  13. Yeah I hear that the Bauer's are breaking really easily...but is there something about being able to return them now up to 1 year?? Everybody feels and uses words differently... by "Dead" do you mean really stiff? Or dead as in, you have a hard time tell where puck it on your blade while stick handling. Also, are most pro stocks heavier than retail? I have a prostock QRL and it feels like a tank compared to the stock flylite I used the other day. The Warrior feels pretty indestructible but for the days where I am out on the ice practicing for 2-3 hours stick handling and shooting, the reduced weight would be cool.
  14. Yeah I mean this steel isn't that great IMO, it's more about now it kind of looks like trash but I'm replacing these soon anyway. It's just kind of more like... did he not see he was scratching up my blade on the first side... but then kept doing it anyway? The guy at hockey monkey who gave me my initial sharpening when I had FT2's mentioned these can't be honed and I forgot to mention that to the kid last night. Lesson learned ad at least it's only cosmetic.
  15. Do you think it'll be more durable than the ultra light flylite and fantom? I was going to pick one of those 2 up but then I have flash forwards to it exploding in my hands after 10 shots.
  16. Kid at my local rink used a stone on my CCM Black Steel (from the FT2 skate). I'll post pics in a few hours but basically he put tons of scrapes on the runner which stripped the black oxide coating off. He did this on both skates and on both sides of the runner I believe. Not sure if the underlying steel is stainless or not, but I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to use a stone on this runner because this exact thing happens. Is my steel ruined or compromised? Is the rink on the hook to get me new runners if they are? Even if they aren't compromised, this looks pretty horrible... Should I ask them to pay for replacement steel anyway?
  17. I Feel like as long as it won't create volume issues, you could use a shim inside the boot under the heel. Essentially a much more aggressive version of superfeet.
  18. I take most reviews from reddit and places where toxicity seems to run rampant with a grain of salt. My True's were totally fine as far as initial QC goes and unless I run them over with a lawn mower, I don't think that will really change. The shop I got them from told me they have done over 500 pairs and rarely have had major issues. Of course they want to sell skates but as a small time shop I don't think they'd want to carry product that was junk and lose customers or prevent them from coming back due to bad experiences.
  19. It's not... I think he said like.. Pro.. something? Pro Guard? Let me do a search in the thread and see if anything comes up. Mine are already starting to fray in a few spots, but I like the width and feel of them, want to buy a few pair and also maybe black.
  20. What are the stock laces in these? My pro shop guy told me but I forgot...
  21. Yeah I understand what you mean now. I was so used to my feet feeling cramped I thought that was the norm. No foot pain right now other than the top of the tongue isn't broken in yet so it was pressing into my leg a bit. Overall, really like them. Normally after games my feet hurt a bit, sometimes even throbbing.
  22. On the ice right now... Well ok I'm in the locker room but I just went out for a second before the guy cut the ice... All I can say is wow, so good. I feel on my toes but in a good way. More aggressive boot pitch but I don't feel the heel slop I felt before. Boot is ccrrrazy stiff lol I need to get used to it but I'm loving it so far. Got 5/8 hollow but honestly it's too much, prob going to go 11/16 of possible, if not 3/4. Sry for wall of text, on mobile.
  23. Yeah i saw VH say 4hours. They cooled down starting around noon. Ice time at 7pm. I'll stick them in right now for an hour just to be 100% safe.
  24. Getting mine on ice tonight for first time in a pick up. Got them shrink wrapped today which I think helped a tiny bit but I really just need to get them out there and see how it feels. I'm more worried about how long it will take me to adjust to going back to 272 from 280 runner/holder XD
  25. Okay, will try this, thanks. Stuff is getting really gross/musty but I do also at least take it out of the bag after games. Unfortunately it doesn't sit in a well ventilated area but better than nothing. I can see people replacing gear maybe.... every other year max. I went to a D1 hockey school (not a player, student only) and I was friends with some of the fellas because I lived down the hall from them. They told me they only replaced gear 2x during the 4 years they were there, and these were guys skating 6 days a week, sometimes 2x a day for over 5 months out of the year at the highest levels possible. Unlimited sticks though... Must have been nice. I get the thrill but that's a lot of $$ to spend on virtually 0 improvement year to year.
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