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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. STX RX3 elbow pads. In my opinion extremely low profile. The sleeve turns some people off but I personally love it. Keeps them in place.
  2. I have been looking everywhere for a definitive answer but cant find one. What is the difference between the HP30, 31 and 32?
  3. Great......I'm sure there will be plenty on eBay for $600+.
  4. Yes, what I'm looking to cover up is an embroidered name. I tried a red paint pen but it just turned it more of a pink color. I did just find a paint marker made for fabric so I'll give that a shot.
  5. Title says it all. What to best way you found to cover/hide player names on Pro Gloves?
  6. Has anyone tried the RX3 pants yet? In the market for new pants and these caught my eye.
  7. Do the Surgeon RX3 gloves still run small like the previous 500s?
  8. Do the 70ks still "upsize" the holder as compared to the Super Tacks/FT1s? I wear 7.5Ds. In Super Tacks/FT1s the runner size is 263 while my 50ks have 272.
  9. Just so I'm 100% these are sized to shoe size correct? My CCM Ribcore skate size is 7.5 but my shoe size is 9.5. I should get size "E" 9.5 to 11?
  10. If you are ordering from Ice Warehouse and wear a half size order a size up. (If you wear 7.5 order 8.) The sizing info on the site is wrong. They say size 7 fits 7 up to 7.5. In reality 7 fits 7 and you can trim it down to fit 6.5.
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