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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=clear+gel+grip+tape&ref=nb_sb_noss Something like this might help depending on how sticky the reusable adhesive is. That might mike your insole similar to Bauer's grip insoles
  2. So I took a hit last night and landed with all of my weight on my left knee. It left me with a pretty huge bruise and pain when I walk. I have Easton Stealth 75S II shin guards which don't seem to have very good knee protection, and seem kind of narrow. Any recommendations on shin guards with wider, better knee protection?
  3. Helmet: Easton E700 Shoulder Pads: Warrior Dynasty AX LT Shin Guards: Easton Stealth 75S II Elbow Pads: Easton Stealth 75S II Pants: Easton Stealth 75S II Gloves: Warrior Surge Skates: Bauer Nexus 5000 Stick: Bauer Vapor 1X (102 flex, P92)
  4. I think he needs a new pair of socks, lol.
  5. Well, I did the chat thing with them and they said there's nothing they can do for me since the size I bought is out of stock. Nevermind the fact that when I originally sent them an email a week ago, my size was in stock. When I pointed that out they said no because I used a 10% off coupon. Oh well, I'll just shop at other hockey stores. IceWarehouse has always taken good care of me.
  6. HockeyMonkey is starting to make me mad. Almost every time I order something from them, either the price drops or a coupon comes out. I've emailed them every time and asked to be reimbursed the amount, but they always say they can't alter past orders. They're the only company that does not honor their own prices within 30 days, so I finally decided to call them on it, and asked either to get the reimbursement for shoulder pads that I just bought, or to let me know how I can return everything I've bought from them within 90 days (a couple hundred dollars worth). They called while I was gone on Friday to talk about the order, so I'll call them this week and see what happens, lol. BTW, I wasn't mean or disrespectful in the email. I just get tired of getting taken advantage of.
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