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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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54 Good


  • Skates
    VH Gen 2
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer APX 2
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer NXG
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Nexus Lowest End Possible of last gen
  • Pants
    Bauer Nexus 1000
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500
  • Gloves
    Bauer Nexus 800
  • Stick
    Bauer Mx3 PM9 Curve Bauer Nexus 8000 PM9 Curve

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  1. I took my skates to my LHS for a couple of eyelets. I also had to take my skates to a shoe repair shop to get patched on the other skate.
  2. I asked my LHS the same thing, they said CCM would only send the boot with the ccm holder. The AS1 pro customs do have me weighing my options on my next pair of skates....
  3. Agreed best of the second round so far....
  4. Agreed, It is more of a balance that wins cups these days. A goalie can definitely loose it for you by not making the easy saves.
  5. Thanks for the insight. I took the plunge after checking out this thread as well. Mine are starting to get worn down after 3 years. Thanks for mentioning your experience of trying to go retail as well. I thought I would give that a shot before ordering Trues. Every time I consider it I circle back to the possibility of retail not working and losing hundreds of dollars on something that could have been corrected by buying what worked in the first place. Please keep us posted on the True skate experience I'm curious if they stack up to the VHs. That might get me to pull the trigger on my next pair.
  6. For what it's worth My VH's don't have any liner on my tendon guard (just the plastic) and still work fine. After a few years of use some of the liner is starting to get a little loose (I may glue it). It has to be frustrating that you are having issues with a brand new skate. From what I see in the pics it doesn't look like anything major but that is objective of course. Maybe take them to your LHS that sold you the skate and see if they can do anything to repair them before it becomes a major issue. I would contact TRUE no matter what so they are aware of the issue and hopefully they can help fix the problem. That does suck though.......
  7. Not to beat an over glued skate, but I can see both sides. I think what makes most people True Homers (myself included) is the search for the right fit. The general opinion is that if a customer is fitted properly and does their homework before making a choice on skates they will get the right fit. My feet are pretty awful and I had a tough time getting the correct fit. This is why when I got my VH’s they were the best thing to ever happen to my Hockey life. I went through a few pair of skates, trying to find the right fit with extensive conversations with my LHS. I agree that to the outsider that the true love seems a little cultish but most people on here went through a journey trying to find the right fit and will put up with some glue or rivet issues for a comfortable skate. I like checking in on this forum to see if qc has suffered since the true accusation. As far as I can see there has been some hiccups but it seems like they are headed in the right direction. I can say with confidence that the next pair of skates I buy will be trues, my vhs are about 3 years old and still going strong though.
  8. Have you tried using clamps after baking around the ankle? I didn't have to do this because I have regular to fat ankles lol but I did remember that there were youtube videos when VH originally launched. Anyways, maybe that'll help best of luck!!
  9. I have the Tuuks on mine and never noticed a forward pitch. They feel neutral.
  10. Player Info: C/D Adult League on the ice 3-5 times per week 6 ft 220 lbs playing center and wing. Specs: 87 flex rh p92 Curve Matte Finish Cut down 2 Inches Durability: I got this stick in a 2 pack on eBay 3 months ago. I’m still on the first one with no real signs of damage. I have a small chip on the bottom of my blade and some scratches on the shaft. No worries. 9/10 Flex Profile: This is the BEST attribute of this stick in my opinion. It may be my shot mechanics but this stick launches pucks the best for me. It is kind of whippy even though I got the stick in 87 flex and cut it down. I usually buy 75 flex sticks and I feel like this stick is just as whippy. In case you haven’t gotten the impression, I really like whippy sticks. The fact that this stick is extremely whippy and gives off a ton of pop is a win win for me. 10/10 Blade Feel: This is Bauer’s unifying charecterisc in my opinion. They go with what works for blade feel, slightly dampened but lots of pop when the puck launches off your stick. I think Bauer should continue to tweak the blades to get that next innovation. I know this is a model behind the current iteration but I haven’t seen any Great Leap Forward from Bauer in blade feel. I saw the new 1S blade in the IW review and I think Bauer is getting on board with advancing blade design. 9/10 Weight/Balance/Finish: This is like any high end stick it’s super light and has a good feel in the hands. I usually go with a grip finish but the lack of grip options for the deal lead me to the matte finish. I like it, I thought it was going to be tough to get used to but there was little to no adjustment switching finish. The balance is on point and the stick feels great firing snappers and wrist shots mostly. 10/10 Stickhandling/Shooting/Passing I feel like most of this is mechanics. My stick is cut down and that helps me with stickhandling and keeping low. The stick is good for launching passes but as far as receiving passes the puck doesn’t exactly stick to the blade. Shooting is great for this stick, for me it is whippy and fires off snappers and quick wristers with ease, my previous stick was the same gen 1x and a warrior qrl and have to say this stick works better for my shot than both of those low kicks. 9/10 Conclusion: 47/50 I really enjoy this stick. I liked my previous 2 sticks, they were low kick sticks and this mid to lower kick stick works better for my shooting and playing style. I would advise anyone with a low kick stick who isn’t 100% satasified or is looking to experiment to give a stick like the 1n a try.
  11. Those team USA pants are sick!!!
  12. I’ve used the stock footbeds for the past 2 years with no issues. I think the skates were intended to be used with them. Like most things in Hockey it all boils down to personel preferance. Try them out, ou may like them but as always go with what works.
  13. Update: Helmet: Bauar 4500 W/ Cage Elbows: Bauer NXG Shoulders: No Shoulders (RIP) Shins: Bauer APX2 Pants: Bauer APX 2 Skates: VH Gloves: Nexus 800 Sticks: 2014 Nexus 1n rh p92 87 flex
  14. Hope everything works out for you. I had a similar issue which made me take the leap. I read all the VH threads on this forum (when it was 35 pages deep lol) when I pulled the trigger. After 2 years of using my VH’s I must say that I wouldn’t go back to another skate. I hope you have a similar experience and congrats!!
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