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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Solo_man11

  • Birthday 11/12/1971


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor 1x / FBV 90/50/ Step Blacksteel
  • Hockey Bag
    Grit HTSE 36"
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapor 1X
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Vapor 1X
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Vapor 1X
  • Pants
    Warrior Covert QRL
  • Helmet
    Bauer Reakt 100 with Bauer Reakt Cage
  • Gloves
    Warrior QRL, Bauer 1X , Bauer APX2 Pro, MIA MB11
  • Stick
    Warrior QRL/QR1, CCM Reckoner, Bauer Supreme 1S, Warrior HD1, Bauer Nexus 1N, True A6.0 SBP TC4, Bauer Vapor 1X

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  • Interests
    Love Hockey, Cars, Golf, and Music (Classic Rock and Jazz). Watching movies and Home Theater Gear.
  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Gender

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  1. Hmmm, that is really interesting. I have never had an issue with Bauer injected lacing on my 2015 1X skates but looks like Bauer has improved the injected lacing system with the materials. I will say traditional eyelets especially near the top, i have replaced many times though. Also looks are subjective, I play with a guy who has True skates and said my skates look ugly but IMO i dont think his skates look all that great. He also commented saying his True skates were very durable. i saw that his bolts were rusted and the inside liner has tears in the upper and lower heel area. I think this thread is getting to be negative towards the 2X pro and Bauer, I chose Vapor because it fits and really didn't have issues with them in the past.
  2. I just picked up a pair of these 2X pros and IMO these skates have improved in terms of comfort especially the toe box. I use the thin piece of the powerfoot insert. I like the look of these new skates and I remember when the 2015 1X skates were released, not many people liked the looks of those too. Remember when APX skates were released?
  3. I probably would prefer the mx3 tongue myself because I heard you can change the stiffness in the tongue. There is a ton of forward flex in the vapor series and wish it was more stiffer in the tongue in my vapor skates.
  4. Those are the sexiest skates I have ever seen.
  5. I have the apx2 pro and just got the 1x pro. I would say that the 1x pro is lighter and definitely noticeable to me. Also, the 1x pro fits more snug in the fingers and backhand without restricting mobility in the cuff. The heel of the Palm on the 1x looks beefier without adding another layer. The design doesn't look like it's changed much though. I prefer the feel of the 1x pro.
  6. Congrats Chadd, 40llbs, great job. Off topic but wow, I think FBV made me slightly more lazy because the glide is so good.
  7. I just picked up Bauer APX2 pro gloves and upgraded to the Bauer 1x skates. Do you have to show pics because they are just retail.
  8. Whooah! Nice job and those skates look sick. I love the white on the tendon guard and prefer the look of the carbon on the toebox. I have never needed to go the custom route because my feet are pretty standard and have always found skates that fit. I never knew about these skates until I joined this forum and now starting to notice people wearing them. Everybody always says great things about them. I am usually the guy on the bench who stares at these skates when I see them. I had a drop in game last week with strangers because I got an email from my buddy and was just staring at this guy. He probably thought I was weird but I started to talk to him and he said they are really stiff. I am at a point where I am contemplating a stiffer skate and after reading almost this whole thread, I am really thinking about it. I only play twice a week all year long but sometimes 3 when I get a call to be a sub.
  9. I just tried 90/50 and I think I found my hollow. Even my friends noticed my glide and hope it's not just placebo. Now I can sharpen my back up runners the same. I am done tinkering. I tried this new place for sharpening and inquired if the type of FBV is blackstone. The guy gave me a weird look and said Blademaster is the same thing but I requested Blackstone. After reading this thread I learned not to fall for that. Thanks for this thread.
  10. 95/1 is comparable to which hollow please? I am looking for more glide and was gonna do my back up blades to 90/50. I tried 100/50 and didn't feel it had enough glide. I am a smaller player at 155 pounds and my height is 5.72 feet.
  11. I am using 90/75 right now and was wondering what the difference is with 95/75.
  12. I really have not noticed any night and day improvements with this product. I will admit that my skates are a lot more comfortable with no negative space. I have always skated barefoot because I felt like I could feel the ice better. So when I got new skates, I put these things in my toe box, I got the same feeling but this time wearing socks. Its like wearing running shoes when the tops of your toes have cushion. I wear with shims also too. I also purchased 3 of these inserts and gave them to my friends. Great product.
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