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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jlt73

  1. No offense whatsoever. It's definitely a discussion being had. It's a little heartbreaking and disappointment not being able to do it the "natural" way, but something will work out one way or the other.
  2. Thanks! We've tried the turkey baster thing 4 times with no success. So onward we go!
  3. Dealing with infertility issues is very frustrating. The wife and I now get to try the next treatment option (IVF). yay! $17,000-$25,000 out of pocket upfront before anything happens because insurance covers $0.
  4. sorry to hear about your banner day.
  5. I rented a sheet of ice for a private hockey game on Saturday night. It was a blast! It's never a bad time playing hockey with a great group of people. I really wish I would have rented it for 2 hours instead of 1.5 hours.
  6. I played in my first travel tournament this weekend. We lost all 3 games by 1, but every game was very competitive and everyone in our division was well matched, just some silly puck luck. i had a blast!
  7. I had my annual work review. I received a salary increase of 16%. It's great to be appreciated for the work I do and what I bring to the table.
  8. Helmet: Bauer re-akt 75 Shoulders: Warrior HD1 Elbows: Bauer Supreme S190 Gloves: Warrior AX2 Pants: CCM 4092 Tacks Shins: Bauer Supreme S190 Skates: Bauer Nexus N9000 Sticks: Bauer Nexus N9000 P92, CCM 6092 Tacks P29, True A5.2 TC2 Bag: Ice Warehouse
  9. I'm sorry to hear that. The only good thing about that is you may have more time with her. Spend as much time as possible with her and take a breath every now and then.
  10. Best of luck to both of you! Life is always going to be changing, just stay positive while rolling with the changes and you'll always have a happy life.
  11. The shutout dance made it even sweeter!
  12. The wife and I went to Motown the Musical yesterday and it was awesome. Afterwards we decided to go to a drive in movie. It was a super fun day.
  13. I love the P29! I started off using a P88 and then tried a P28. Everything really clicked with the P29.
  14. Also to be said in the venting spot!
  15. Exactly. They are just ok and nothing special but it made everyone happy.
  16. People in the office are being super moody today. I went and got dilly bars from Dairy Queen for everyone. Its amazing how a dilly bar can change the entire mood of an office.
  17. Lost the championship game tonight. I played well and the team played well. The bounces just didn't go our way at all.
  18. 3 days of continuing education for my Professional Land Surveyor's license is officially over! Until next year when I get to do it all over again!
  19. I was a career 2-2.5 GPA guy in high school and college. I was lazy and would not do any homework, but I did well on tests and retained the information well. That being said I went to a community college (Purdue University commuter campus). I am successful in my career (civil engineering/land surveying) and honestly the GPA has never mattered when I was trying to begin my career or move to another company.
  20. When I first tried the powerfoot I did a stick and puck and really disliked it. I did try it again in my league game tonight and it was totally different feeling. I actually liked how it felt. I will keep them in for a bit and try them out. The testing continues!
  21. Just finished filling out an application to return to school to finish my degree. I have 8 classes left to complete my BS.
  22. I gave it one session, so I might have been a little premature. I'm going to try them again for a few more sessions and see how I feel about them afterwards. I have a Nexus N9000 in size 7.5E.
  23. I'm the same way. I just couldn't get used to it.
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