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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jlt73

  1. Just got an email saying I am the daily winner for the CCM giveaway on IW! Today's prize is a stick. Man this is awesome!
  2. played my third game of the week tonight! I also have another one tomorrow night. It's been a great week!
  3. I scored the game winning goal last night!
  4. I was rear ended in a car accident last week and I had to miss my hockey game on Wednesday because my back was super stiff.
  5. That sucks! Hope it resolves itself much sooner. But looking on the bright side, if you wear an eye patch you can totally get away with acting like a pirate.
  6. I hope everything gets better soon! It sounds like a real rough patch, but things seems to really be looking up!
  7. I was sedated, but not totally unconscious.
  8. Yep. I do not remember anything at all.
  9. the prep work for a colonoscopy is awful. I haven't eaten anything of substance since Tuesday at 8:30pm and I wont have anything until after 4ish today.
  10. I played a really good complete game tonight. I had 1 goal 1 assist, but I made a few other plays that led to a few other goals. I've come a long way since I began this journey in February, and I still have a long ways to go, but I am really enjoying playing!
  11. I joined two leagues for the fall season. I played my first game in a new league last night. I started playing in February and I caught the hockey bug big time!
  12. I have a pair arriving today. I can't wait to try them out tomorrow night,
  13. I've been using mine for a few weeks and I am loving them. I had the original superfeet yellow before and I feel like these more comfortable.
  14. Those look awesome! What skates did you have before these? I am getting the N9000 as well.
  15. I was watching the Nexus N9000 skate review video on youtube by IW. They mentioned that the nexus line is going to fit different than the previous line. How much different will it be?
  16. The road kings are super sweet! The only negative for them is the price of tubes when it comes to the time to replace them.
  17. Skates: Bauer Nexus 5000 Shins: Bauer Nexus 6000 Pants: Bauer Nexus 600 Shoulder: Bauer Nexus 4000 Elbow: Bauer Nexus 8000 Gloves: Bauer Vaper x60 Helmet: Bauer 4500 Cage: Bauer Profile II Sticks: Warrior HD5
  18. My current rig is: 1973 Ibanez "pre-lawsuit" Les Paul Marshall TSL 100 The Ibanez is nothing short of amazing in feel and tone. The Marshall can get me any tone I really desire from squeaky clean to classic rock to metal.
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