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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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11 Good


  • Skates
    Graf 8035
  • Hockey Bag
    Vic Hockey
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Extreme
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Tacks
  • Shoulder Pads
    Mission Fuel
  • Pants
    CCM HP30
  • Helmet
    Reebok 11k
  • Gloves
    Graf G7
  • Stick
    Easton Mako

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  • Interests
    Snappin necks and cashin checks.
  • Location
    NFLD to KY
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  1. So freaking great that everyone pitched in their own time to save on labor costs. Outstanding work, boys. Sidenote, a quick thank you to Dangle Sauce for some excellent customer service on a situation where they could have easily just ignored my inquiry.
  2. When I followed the link earlier in this thread it took me to season 1 episodes but on the side there were suggestions for season 2, ended up watching them all. Figger it out. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x59zwkn_letterkenny-s02e01-a-fuss-at-the-ag-hall_tv
  3. Haha, "Nice flow you feckin donkey, take a lap" Thanks for the link!
  4. Fractured ankle and torn ligament. This severely sucks, laid up doing RICE for the next couple weeks. The pisser is, I didn't even do it, doing something cool. Family went to the beach and when returning to the condo we rented I stopped by the outdoor shower to rinse off. Apparently the wood decking had been weakened by the water from the shower and collapsed, rolling my ankle. Crappy vacation and now no hockey. Guess Ill get caught up on my Players Tribune reading and researching personal injury lawyers!
  5. Despair-thickets ain't no joke. Just this morning am beginning to see the light again after my performance this past Monday night. I'm doing the same thing, taking a week off and then I'm going to hit it hard next week.
  6. Played god awful last night in the little cup game we have going here. Feel like I let my team down by making some pretty gnarly mistakes. I play D and instead of sending it to the boards to clear, tried to pass to the center, was intercepted and scored on. I know better, I don't even know what I was thinking. Not sure if it was the pressure of the big game, or having fam and friends in the stands, but I totally screwed us on that one. Coach was a little hot, gave some advise not to do that and we moved on. 3rd period, i do it again, same result. Thats 2 goals because of my exact same mistake. Its like I had a damn stroke or something and lost any ability to think. We have played this team 3 other times and won them all, last night was a total shutout, 6-0. Got our asses handed to us on a platter. Im new to the game (15 weeks), this is my first league, but thats no excuse, I need to pull it together next go round.
  7. I bet it is. This part of the world is not renowned hockey country. Surprisingly though there is a wildly successful amateur hockey culture here in Louisville, just very few realize it. I did catch the Pens game last night so I feel slightly better. There is nothing worse than actually getting time to sit and watch a game, only to flip through and find nothing... end up watching flip or flop with the wife for 2 hours, ugggg. NHLtv next season for sure.
  8. Cable hockey coverage is complete crap. Apparently womens softball, golf and some sort of video game championship take priority over playoff hockey.
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