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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. So the holder is covered for one year and the steel is now 90 days. Sneaky.
  2. Are you sure? I think steel.amd holders are still under 1 year. If not, can you link me to such.
  3. Bauer should replace them under warranty if they are less than a year old. They have always been good to me about such.
  4. CCM FT390 are a good lightweight and protective pad.
  5. Decided to bite the bullet and order some custom of these. Excited to see how they turn out.
  6. http://www.bbyonic.com https://massiveblade.com/ https://flareskateblade.com/ Obviously , there is Step Steel and Tydan as well.
  7. In Seattle, we have a lot of people who own Sparx sharpeners but they rarely ever bring them to the rink. I have seent hem take them on road trips though.
  8. For those that switched from a P28 to a P28M or vice versa, what positives or negatives did you notice? I'm looking for a slightly bigger toe and from what I can tell this looks perfect for me.
  9. Regular steel is very good. I prefer the TIN and DLC steel of their though. The downside is that the TIN steel is gold in color which some people might dislike.
  10. I am a huge fan of the STX elbow pads. Check them out.
  11. I hear the same story from other places as well but all of these stores were VERY negative on Sparx machines saying there were unreliable and broke often.
  12. Those are some excellent looking eyelets! @BelangerJS
  13. Was very surprised that last week while I was in Arizona for the entire week every shop that had a Sparx sharpener in store said they were either not working, having issues, or needed maintenance. Not a single shop of the 5 I went to had a fully functional and working unit....
  14. I never measured such but I would say its about the same. Both of their wheels are about the same level of hardness.
  15. Doesn't mean they will still deliver though....
  16. Very high-quality steel and the best DLC coating on the market. Love their stuff. The downside is they are always delayed with shipping and their customer service has been poor.
  17. The True skate is stiff enough for most players so unless you are a VERY big guy I just dont see a benefit in them. I weigh 195lbs with a 23 BMI and am a very strong skater. I would not recommend the shot blockers to anyone unless they exceed 275lbs in weight.
  18. The home model, 1500 passes, the pro model is about 2000 passes. This is based on the historical data I have collected from our own sharpeners.
  19. Shot blockers, not worth it. T-Guard tongue, worth it.
  20. Got my 2017/2018 Bauer Vapor 1x pro-stock skates this weekend. With steel, they weigh in at 884 grams vs my 2018 True skates, without shot blockers, with Tuuks holders and the same steel, which tip the scales at 952 grams.
  21. I never back any of the kickstarter projects, the rate for failure is too high. I read somewhere that only 10% fail but then another independent study showed it was more like 50%.
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