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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. I have seen True make toe caps from carbon for feet that specifically needed it that would not fit within the specifications of their standard toe cap design. They do not do this very often.
  2. They will not. They also prefer to not ship the skates without holders mounted too. I had to argue with them a few times to get skates shipped without the holes drilled and holders mounted.
  3. I have a couple pairs of True skates but also use JetSpeed and Vapor skates as well. Owning a shop I try to test as much gear as possible when it's released so I understand the positives and negatives of most items we sell. For example, I tried the AS1 skates and they absolutely did not work for my feet. Same with the 70K. With the AS1 I found the skate was too stiff and hurt my feet towards the instep. If I went with an EE width then the skate felt sloppy. Awesome skates, just not for my foot type. With the 70k I found it didn't fit me properly at all. With Bauer, the Vapors fit nicely. Same issues with the Supreme as I have with the Tacks, hurting my feet towards the instep and a EE was too sloppy. I tried on the Nexus and it seemed to fit decent but I think overall it would be too deep for me.
  4. Your scan is almost exactly like mine. I found the Vapor/JetSpeed in an EE fit nicely. In my specific case an FT1 in 7.5EE or a Vapor in 7.0EE. No idea why the 0.5 size difference but that's just the way it works out for my feet anyway.
  5. It's the same to about 2mm. I measured today in the store.
  6. Not trying to pick on any specific stores, but when I had my first pair of True skates made (before we were a custom fit center) I had my feet scanned and completed the order through a Pure hockey. Similar to you, my first pair of skates fit poorly. I think a lot of problems (not all) that people have posted have been associated with big box stores. My experience was similar, the manager did the scan was not sure about options and the store had only done a couple other scans before and those scans were for goalie skates. My first scans submitted were rejected by True and I had to go back for a second set of scans. When the skates arrived they were also longer than I expected and didn't have the proper fit with the heel lock and such. I specifically use the word expected because I have always skated in a very tight fitting skate since my right foot is a 3/4 size bigger than my left and I didn't like having too much slop In the toebox on retail skates. I tried a few things like stuffing the toe box to take up space but in the end, I had to have them make a new pair of skates. I made sure to note everything in very specific detail for the new pair they were making to get them to fit exactly as I was expecting. This includes providing them with notes on length, width, adjustments to the facings, liner changes, among other things. I am sure if you work with Pure and True they will get you taken care of, neither of them have ever failed me in the past.
  7. Unfortunately, the Sparx edge checker won't work properly for checking edges on the Flare. Flare usually only provides the edge checker to dealers but you might want to email them and ask if you can purchase on directly, I am sure they will sell you one.
  8. Did you specify these specifics of how you wanted the skates to fit when you were getting scanned for the skates? What skates did you have before the True skates?
  9. The difference is minuscule so it doesn't matter. What matters most if the main surface area stays consistent and not so much the toe and heel. I have some pics of profiles Flare and regular Flare, new just outside the box. I can post it later tonight.
  10. Yep, LOVE their steel. Any players who come into our store looking for replacement steel I always recommend to try Flare. Its amazing to me how many prefer to stick with Step/Tydan/Byonic/Massive and such. All of those other steels are nice and very good quality but once you skate on Flare it hard to change back to anything else.
  11. Agreed. WIll not compromise the structural integrity of the holders but I can understand how it can be annoying visually especially on a new pair of skates. You can always email True and ask them if they will send you a replacement holder. The downside would be needing to get the holder swapped. Personally, I would just leave it as is.
  12. Edge checkers can be found for very little money online and for the small investment its worth it.
  13. I would def recommend checking out the JS Pro and the Ribcor Pro 3D.
  14. I ended up doing a few of custom orders of the new Ribcor 3D and have been very impressed with it. I kinda went a little nuts though with the customization.
  15. Maybe this will help. For detailed information, see the link below: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A99faf809-3ff8-4da8-9215-a99efb416702
  16. Bauer will also do a full custom, but it costs more than retail custom. Just like CCM full custom, you fill out the specs on a spreadsheet and can change things like facing length, stiffness ratings, and more.
  17. CCM will have a new Jet Speed goal skate in April without a cowling.
  18. I also go through phases like this and force myself to keep skating. I just consider it a type of funk that I end up going through. I have terrible anxiety and also have mood instability as well, so I assume this is what is part of the problem and not hockey itself. I should also note, I sometimes get this way with other things too. So I know its not specifically related to hockey and hockey only.
  19. There is nothing wrong with that setup you requested. If it works for you, why change it? I only recommend to players changing their profile if there is something that isn't working for them or they want to alter, change, or improve. Example, I recently had a player who bought new True skates and requested his usual 11' radius. He kept catching the toe on crossovers and crossunders. He also felt like the skate was too neutral so we moved him to a combination radius with a forward pitch and also shaved the toe for him as well matching it as close to his old skate blade as possible. He loves the new setup. Google review quote "Skateworks got me fitted with a pair of 3d scanned True. The fit was perfect but the blades felt awkward. Corey and Nick helped identify the problem which for me was “too much steel on the toe” and a larger stock blade radius. The quad-2 shape they suggested is perfect. Local experts help make your skates fit and work right. Thanks /Karl"
  20. Correct, I was only referring to the typical custom process because I was trying to keep pricing as close as possible between CCM, Bauer and True skates. Of course, you can go full custom, but the price then changes dramatically between True and the other brands. Like I said, going custom, regardless of which brand you choose, is going to be better than grabbing a retail skate off the shelf. As long as you pick a skate that matches you skating style you should be fine. Personally, the CCM scanner recommended the AS1 for my foot, which I know for a fact is wrong, and also put me in a size 8D. I wear a 7.25 EE in a Vapor or Jet Speed and the same in True, if you go by measurements. Just for giggles I let CCM build the AS1 as the scan recommended and I found the skate was overall too long and stiff for my skating style. So I think the shop doing the fitting needs to provide some input into what fits and will work best for the player regardless of the brand of custom skate you select. The pair of FT1 skates I had made custom fit like a glove and have been very nice. I will soon have a pair of the Vapor 2x Pro skates when they release and will be able to compare all of the different brands. As it stands right now, I use my true skates more than any other pair I own as they are more comfortable and I get much better edge control with them based on the position they place your foot in.
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