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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. I have both but only in M size. Sorry :(
  2. I also would like to see an updated pic of the heel.
  3. I highly recommend suing ratchet clamps when baking if you want to get the best fit possible. You can buy them from your local Home Depot or Lowes, or if there is a Harbor Freight near you there are substantially cheaper. I purchased mine from Harbor Freight for about $4.99 each.
  4. What size do you need? What type of arch? I have a couple pairs.
  5. Why is channel depth irrelevant? Not arguing, just wondering why you feel that way? If I put a ZC on a set of steel and later sharpen the steel again without cutting a new ZC, some ZC still showing but not as deep as new, I can feel a significant bite difference.
  6. You can adjust the ProSharp to correct pitch. I am going to be making a video shortly discussing ProSharp profiling.
  7. So going from a traditional 5/8" with a wide ZC I should be able to go with a 1" roughly? What about ZC depth?
  8. What is the effect of the difference in width/depth of Z Channels? I currently use a 3/4 ROH with a wide ZC on a Quad 2 and have been considering fiddling around with my setup.
  9. I'm not sure if there has been a survey but I can tell you most, if not all, have some type of profile applied to their steel.
  10. Typically defense use a Quad 1 or Quad 2 with ProSharp. You can use a Quad 2 and still be very nimble and agile you just need to walk the ROH up. Also, consider a Z Channel. You can view the ProSharp profiles specifics here: https://issuu.com/elinmalmsten/docs/script-tryckfilus
  11. I pray one day Bauer will wake up and make a skate with technology from the Mako but I think they have their head up their ass and that won't happen anytime soon. Bauer also thinks that one piece skates are bad too. So much for innovation. Though, you can argue, if it ain't broke what's their to fix?
  12. Think I will use Testors transparent smoke color. Kind of like what I used on my FT1.
  13. Absolutely no loss at all. I skate with a lot of cross overs and cross unders. Lots of people call them lateral crossovers but they have any different names. McDavid uses them a lot to gain speed.
  14. Las Vegas ice has a pro shop with Mako II skates in various sizes. For those looking for a pair.
  15. I have skated on everything from a Quad 0/1/2 to a Zuperior and a regular 11' and 13' profile. I can tell you this. I HATED the Zuperior profile. I tried multiple versions and all of them seemed terrible to me. The Quad 0/1 feel almost identical. The 0 gives you a little more cornering and the 1 gives you slightly better speed. The Quad 2 has been my favorite. Lots of stability and loss of speed. If you are a player that uses a lot of crossovers and crossunders you will not notice any performance loss and significant gains. The Quad 2 also allowed me to walk my ROH from a 3/4 to 1" with a wide ZC.
  16. Can you order True skates without the ugly "chrome wing" on the side?
  17. I have been trying to find a pair of the Mako II skates for a long time.... Anything in a common size 7-9 are almost impossible to find online new or used. Best bet is to check out smaller local shops.
  18. I customized my FT1 and they look great! https://photos.app.goo.gl/RMrKtgNI4hWs5HQ72
  19. More than halfway done https://imgur.com/a/PbpmV
  20. Nail polish remover works fine. O used it on my Super Tacks. The ones that are pictured.
  21. No clear on them. Just glossy screen printing.
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