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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. Agreed. Steel quality has gotten better but no major changes have really evolved since the Paul Coffey era. He was the last player I know of that was known to constant play with this skate design. Profiles, steel types, holders, CAG, ROH, you name it. He tried it.
  2. I recently talked to someone who was using custom steel that was wider than normal. I forgot the name of the company but someone pointed me to this product https://flareskateblade.com Has anyone seen or used these? I am fascinated by the idea of wider steel. Note: This steel is not the same as the person I skated with using the custom wider steel. Maybe someone knows of the other companies name? The steel was about 1mm wider and it did not flare like this brand.
  3. Want to sell the Mako CXN steel separately?
  4. I really like the FBV, but whenever I lose an edge I can barely skate whereas with a traditional ROH I only lose some bite but can still skate.
  5. Digging up an older post. I purchased these for my 1x skates and my experience was the volume they occupy puts my foot in a weird location in the skate. On my left foot, the inner ankle and my flexor hallucis area are incredibly pained by them. I also find that the height increase in the rear, coupled with my blade combination radius and skate/holder put me too far on my toes. This tends to effect stick handling at speed and quick acceleration. I think they are better than the factory Bauer footbeds (which are pretty much nonexistent) but at least for me, my skates, and the way I skate there doesn't seem to be harmony. Before anyone says anything, I did bake the skates again AFTER the new footbeds. I did not the first few times and my ankle was wrecked from not sitting in the pocket properly. Moving back to the factory footbeds I did not need to bake my skates again. Everything just fell back into place.
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