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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kovalchuk71

  1. Coppers are not fun to remove. I can rivet Coppers, as those are extremely easy. I just always had trouble instaling the steel rivets. Dont ask me why. Lining up the steel on the crown really gave me issues. I would always miss it and warp the rivet.
  2. Finally got the hang of Riveting. Did my first full skate a few minutes ago with no issues. :) *And yes, I have worked at a pro shop for 4 years.
  3. Why is that funny? Because the skates fit properly?
  4. High of 88 today in NC. Just ridiculous. Where did Spring go?
  5. Did you sharpie the entire glove?
  6. Broke my r2xn10 today :(. Took a wrister, broke right at the taper.
  7. Ridiculous. It was 84 today in Raleigh. ITS APRIL <_<.
  8. Started lifting today for the first time in a year. Tomorrow is going to be painful :(
  9. Got a free R2XN10 today (Whip flex). Pretty psyched about that. :D
  10. Very Nice, but I would get the money upfront next time. Much easier....
  11. So my cat, who ran away 2 weeks ago, is finally back. My mom just called me. Some people down the street found him and remembered our flyers around the neighborhood. I am SO HAPPY. :) What a great St. Pattys day
  12. Did you really take all that time to do that just so you could post it here? :)
  13. So are the S19 shafts going to be super boxy like the s15 or back to the old z-bubble shape? I couldn't stand how thick the s15 was
  14. One of my cats ran away last Tuesday. Probably the most friendly cat you will ever meet. I was really shaken up for a few days, but I figure hes happy as he ALWAYS wanted to be outside (we kept him as an inside cat) I do hope he comes back though :(
  15. Nice collection. Your stick lengths vary quite a bit....
  16. Do the tapered shafts still feel "whippier than stated" like the OPS or are they different? Trying to decide wether to pull the trigger on a 77 or an 87
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