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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by clarkiestooth

  1. ……..Or he has been offered a piece of the expansion Seattle franchise.
  2. You don't build a team by hand, be on the doorstep of the Cup,.....and walk out with one year remaining on your contract. There's clearly a piece of thee puzzle missing. Yzerman has been here in Tampa as GM since 2010, but his wife and daughters have remained in MI. Maybe he needed a personal break to attend to the family.
  3. Vegas paid waaaay too much for a one year rental player who seems to be on a fairly precipitous decline. They must feel they have a good shot at the Cup. I'm not so sure.
  4. Funny you bring this up. For the last 3 weeks, our group has gotten bumped off the nice new ice sheet and relegated to the old sheet at our rink here in Clearwater (Tampa). The reason being: Kucherov, Vasilevski , and Panarin rented it for more $$$$. Apparently, Kuch is trying to sell him on coming to Tampa (says Kuch on his FB page), skating everyday and then going to the beach. Just yesterday, I was watching them run through some shooting drills. Kuch and Vas in team issue Lightning stuff, Panarin in his Team Russia WC uni. Supposedly, Panarin says he is out of Columbus the second his contract is up.
  5. Just read the contest rules. Says contest is good everywhere in NA...…...except NY and Florida.
  6. Now that is a proper NJ Devils jersey. I like the shoulder material too.
  7. I think you need to change your mindset. You need to play to your strengths, not try to force a style that conflicts with what you perceive are your limitations. The reason NHL goalies go down so early is because they are 6' 5" and when they are in the butterfly their shoulders still cover up to the crossbar. They block more of the net that way. Based on watching your video, you will stop way more pucks if you stay up, play angles, and work on moving post to post and forward/back (while staying up).
  8. OK, understand. Let's do this: next game you video, stay up, no going down on the knees when the shooter shoots. Come out to cut down the angles, and coast back if the shooter dekes. Side to side push off to move across crease as the puck is moved across the goalmouth. Let's see a shutout.
  9. I'm saying this sincerely to help, so don't take this wrong: stay on your feet and challenge the shooters more. Don't drop to your knees with your feet pointed back to the net ( when you do that, you can't move). Good work!
  10. Use promo code EXPO18 and get a free edge checker and hat.
  11. I own a Wissota 911 sharpener, and have found the folks at Wissota to be straight forward, honest, and helpful. If they say they have great results and experience with this new product, I'D tend to believe them.
  12. Interesting. I wonder what the material is.
  13. I'm also a bike racer, so I'm pretty up to date on the basics of performance nutrition. In a nutshell, no solid food you eat 2 hours before a game will have any beneficial effects. It just sits in your stomach because you don't have time to metabolize it. Best thing to do before a game to feel optimal is get a good stretch and have a cup of coffee right before going into the dressing room. For recovery, a beer actually doesn't hurt, as long as alcohol level is below 5%.
  14. The only way to reduce concussions is to either change the rules or learn to play with your head up. Unfortunately for the helmet companies, they can't charge for that. So they try to suck you in with highly marketed foam schemes. To prove my point, I would put half the NHL in this 5 star ccm bucket, half in vintage Jofa Gretzky lids. I would predict you have fewer concussions with the Jofa, Why? Because the Jofa guys would be more vigilant because the Jofa doesn't protect much.
  15. As a skater, why would you need such inner thigh protection? Are you frequently playing against Sydney Crosby?
  16. Looks to be sporting Craig Ludwig style shinnies.
  17. Picked up some Flyers Ryan White pro stock CCM HGTK Tacks gloves. Hopefully, they won't make my hands turn to cement.
  18. Some of these long term contracts are going to be painfully regretted in a couple years. This one comes to mind. And the long term deal for Alzner to Montreal is baffling.
  19. Yeah, you have a point. But the KHL is a long, long way from the NHL.
  20. This would have been exciting if we could summons a 2005 Kovi. 2017 Kovi is just a guy who was a healthy scratch for SKA.
  21. Some good points. My main problem with the Schenn trade is that he was one of 4 players on the team (Gudas,Simmonds,Manning being the others) that didn't cower under the bench when games got physical. The Frost pick was kinda like Hextall going into Walmart and offering to pay 5 bucks for the $1.99 loaf of bread. Streit could have been dumped for a third round pick (going rate), and cleared the books.
  22. I like Methot. Great D man when paired with a more offensive partner. This deal shows that, despite McPhee lip service, Vegas is in a 2 year "Tank" mode. After all, they said they wanted to win the Cup in 6 years, not make the playoffs in the first 5.
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