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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Giltis

  1. Yeah, my original ones broke in less than a season, however I hear the 2nd version is much better.
  2. I was discouraged from considering them by a Graf fitter last year, he basically said that if I wasn't looking for the Graf's G-series traditional boot, there were better options at the price range than their PeakSpeed.
  3. Is this the one you mean? https://stringking.com/lacrosse/accessories/lacrosse-tape/
  4. I've heard of people with dual scene focus issues (where their eyes keep on focusing back and forth) try for a cage that's a bit further away from their eyes.
  5. Unfortunately, without seeing you in person, it'd be pretty hard to be 100% confident. For a more aggressive approach, there's always this method as well using clamps.
  6. Try baking them first, I would try the tissue method (I don't think it could hurt to at least try). My old Tacks had a similar problem, and it worked much better with a bake for sure.
  7. Getting a bit off topic, but yeah a quick google search shows. https://imgur.com/a/VeyxQsV
  8. I think Michael Grabner and Trocheck are using it, among others.
  9. That's a really generous offer, thank you. I will ask the pick up guys that I skate with.
  10. This seems like a great tool I'll probably pick one up at least as a "Just in Case" device once the 11/16" becomes available (and probably a 1/2" at the same time for my kids' skates). You mentioned Carleton Ravens University, are you in Ottawa as well?
  11. The guy that I get my skates sharpened at is amazing, he's like a skate whisperer. He's the one of three guys in my town that will actively work with people to get the perfect profile/hollow, and unfortunately/fortunately word spread and he's gotten super popular with teams (2nd one is extremely popular with figure skaters and on the other side of town, the other is not well known yet but have really limited hours). During tourney week, it can get to a 3 hour wait, this is making me consider Sparx or other automatic home sharpener option. There'll be three of us skating in the winter, I usually play twice a week all year long, so savings might be there too.
  12. The First letter, "M" in this case designates where it's made. So "M - P19 85 T LK" would resolve to: Made in Factory "M" 85 Flex, Traditional Shaft, Low Kick. I will agree with you fully that my LK ProStock SuperTacks 2.0 "feels" like a mid/dual flex, but I am also not very sensitive to these things, I just know if a stick feels right or not, and this is one of the best stick I've ever used.
  13. Are you able to send the used Blade Barbers back for recycling? Seems like a good "just in case" tool for the times where you can't find the time to get a sharpen, or if you like doing one pass before every game to lengthen the time between sharpens. Are there any downsides to using this? Like what happens if you put too much pressure? Does it take off more metal than a usual sharpen?
  14. LK seems to mean Low Kick Team Stick. As per http://www.sports2k.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15186-pro-stock-stick-codes-what-do-you-have/
  15. I have to get mine on by putting in my foot sideways and then twisting it into position. I also use a shoe horn sometimes to help it along.
  16. I've never thought of the gear weight affecting the hollow, but usually I go sharper for colder like ODRs (11/16" to 5/8"). But it makes sense, I once carried my son (35~40 lbs) around during free skate, and I could def feel slip around the corners.
  17. I think from the looks of it, it uses a worm gear/drive, which can drive another gear, but cannot be driven/turned from another gear. So it would not back out during play accidentally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worm_drive "Unlike with ordinary gear trains, the direction of transmission (input shaft vs output shaft) is not reversible when using large reduction ratios. This is due to the greater friction involved between the worm and worm-wheel, and is especially prevalent when a single start (one spiral) worm is used."
  18. True skates are the most comfortable skates I've been on, but that said, if I can find something like the old Makos or Graf that fits 80% as good, I could see myself going that route as well.
  19. Are they the same height as the SB4.0? If so, do some people find it a bit too tall with taller steel such as the Steps?
  20. The front of that holder looks suuuuper big, is there an empty compartment? You could probably hide a hotdog or two in there.
  21. I'd rather not pay extra for QC on appearance that I'm going to scuff up while playing. I'm not trying to disparage your desire for proper finish and looks though, I understand what you mean, but it's not just me.
  22. Funny analogy, I've always had two types of customers when I worked on making cars go fast. Some guys who were serious about speed didn't care much about the paint job (or even rust!), others had money to burn on layers and layers of paint. It's ok to be both, but both exist.
  23. Where I play, you aren't even required a visor. But it seems like most high level guys at least wear a visor or a cage/bubble (ex-OHLers). As long as you know the risks, I say it's up to you. Just keep in mind that it's mostly other people's actions that will put you at risk.
  24. Also known as Choice Paralysis or Analysis Paralysis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis_paralysis In the end, I think if you voice your concern, a good LHS will be able to convey/translate the message as well as they possibly can.
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