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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. So, I show up to my Co-Ed Slo-Pitch game last night...and none of the regular pitchers show up so, I (partly) jokingly say...give me a ball...and go out and start throwing warm up pitches. I've pitched 3, maybe 4, times in my brief Slo-Pitch career...and the last time was 2 years ago. I was hitting the wood pretty consistantly. I go on to pitch what in this league can only be called a gem. A few scoreless innings....and they got their runs in bunches in 3 innings. We win. Final Score 11-8. Top it off....Finished the game with a strike out...Okay, it was 3rd ball foul...but they call that a K in this league. And, I was 2-4 with a run scored. I told them I can pitch again if they need me *L*
  2. A lot of 50/60-something deaths lately. Is 33 really middle aged? Eff me!
  3. What is it....? Open Season on athletes? http://tsn.ca/boxing/story/?id=285784
  4. Looks like Lats is in the same boat as Chipper. 1 year deal to prove he belongs on this team: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=284751
  5. Waiting for G-Money to chime in on this one.
  6. As long as she's cute, I have no problem with it. B) Co-ed Gym...yes. Co-ed showers...no! Didn't Kat Von D break that record at a convention last year?
  7. New players...new numbers: http://canadiens.nhl.com/team/app/?service...rticleid=442558 I see they haven't handed out #20....maybe my hope of seeing Lang back isn't dead (yet!)
  8. So, I wonder how many missile attacks are on his bucket list?
  9. And now the wife is a suspect: http://tsn.ca/boxing/story/?id=284526
  10. Waiting for it to load....but this time of year...probably rooks and 2nd year players.
  11. That's brutal. I hope that employee was disciplined.
  12. WTF!?!?!?!?!?! Seriously! What the hell is going with famous people the last few weeks. We gotta change this to "The Celebrity Death Thread"
  13. I keep getting comments/compliments on my Maple Leaf/Map it at the gym...no big deal. I just wish they wouldn't choose the showers to strike up a conversation about it *L* Nothing like a conversation with a naked, soapy stranger :(
  14. Dupes: whose gloves are those?
  15. No, it was so hot the belt expanded. JR, if it wasn't anyone else, I'd have to call BS. Wow, that is hot. I wonder if a belt with kevlar fibers or other not so thermally sensitive materials could be made available by Blackstone for skating hotbeds like Dubai or JR's garage. When are you going to attempt making a rink on top of your pool! You do remember he's in FLA now...not Michigan *L* The only ice is in the drinks. In other news...Fresh FBV sharpening last night...played better than I have in a long time...I'm not sayin'....I'm just sayin'!
  16. For all the crap and sillyness we tend to put in our signatures or post on FB or whatever...THIS is an amzing statement: Thanks for the perspective!
  17. Cripes...did you have to rent a truck *L*
  18. Lol I had no idea that Wickenheiser was a girl. Just googled her. I do like them though, except that on three occasions tonight I failed to catch an aerial pass because I couldn't open them up quick enough (not broken in) and the puck just bounced off the tips of my fingers.. ouch. MAN.. I wear a chick's glove.. however manly she is.. I'm not gonna let anyone know that. Oops...too late! Actually truth be told...when I was looking for a Crosby team Canada jersey years ago...when he wore #9. I couldn't find one a the price I wanted to pay on bay (cheap)...but I did find a Gillian Ferrari jersey. The cut of the jersey was the same as a 'mens' So I bought the Ferrari jersey and picked up a Crosby name/number kit and had the nameplate swapped.
  19. That would look damn cool as a tat. It would have to be fairly large to get all the fine detail.
  20. Old English is a pretty classic font: http://www.militarysabers.com/images/sword...glish-large.jpg
  21. The original small symbol is a few years old...the dragon itself was just done last Dec. When you read the description of a "Dragon" ...specificially a Fire sign Dragon...it's SOOO me. Even though I'm not Asian...it fit.
  22. i actually read through this entire thread >.< and being chinese if you needed any conformation, that is the chinese letter for dragon...and i love the tat i remember there was a denver nugget player who had a chinese word tat and my dad said it completely meant something stupid...or a insult to himself or something...wonder if he knew Phew....3 years later....and having added to it...if it didn't mean Dragon I'd be PISSED!
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