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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Funny that the current player who had the most active role in the ceremony was Ryan O'Byrne. They hated on him pretty good in Montreal after that own goal last season.
  2. What was the deal with doing the francophone legends introductions only in French? C'mon...It was a 2 and a hlf hour ceremony...if they did every introduction in both languages...it wouldhave been 4 hours. They always do that...Mr. Irvin does lots of stuff in English that isn't repeated in French...and Mr. Lacroix does the French...not always repeated in English. Viggo Mortensen introducing Lafleur was pretty cool though...
  3. +1 The fact that he was the only one to go and shake hands with each and every one of the legends before the game, friday, shows his passion for the game and he knows what this tradition represents in MTL. Pierre Bouchard told reporters he was really impressed with Cammy's attitude last friday. He definitely gets the history and everything. Not often a guy comes in new and looks like he's been there forever (on ANY team, but espceicllay in Montreal).
  4. I want to see the "C" on Cammy. He's been great and seems to have embraced the media as well (or they've embraced him).
  5. I think the best guy to answer that is behind the bench (for now anyways)
  6. Clips --------> http://canadiens.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?c...39&id=53446
  7. Next game will be in Toronto, over the summer. Vancouver is a possibility somewhere down the road. toronto in the summer sounds reaaaaaaaaaaaaal good. cant wait for that one :D Me too.
  8. Are those from the retro nights? They looked like a darker blue on TV.
  9. I was out and didn't see it. But, I've seen some of the highlights...looked like quite to ceremony. I hope they either make it available on iTunes...or release it on DVD.
  10. Everything looked so positve about a week ago...they were scoring more. Carey has his mojo going. Hoping they can get their shit together tomorrow for the big party.
  11. Most likely. The TSN story said he was on the ice for the first 2 Leaf goals...and didn't play after that. So, unless Martin benched 2 guys last night...Chipper was the guy.
  12. ^^^ Traded to the Ducks for a 4th. Too bad. I really thought watching him Captain Team Canada at the WJC that he was the next Bob Gainey/Guy Carbonneau/Mike Keane type guy. He'd do whatever you asked him to do and do it well...and was SURE to be Captain material. I suppose he still could be...but right now...he's an 18th overall pick traded for a 4th rounder. Pretty disappointing.
  13. Well, it sure as hell wasn't new...and I don't know when it was cleaned last. The only saving grace to it taking this long to replace (I moved in in late Sept) is that I also inherited almost a full tank of oil...so my only expense so far has been the hydro. My first bill (Sept 26-Nov 4) was just under $100.
  14. Took out this: ...and had this installed today:
  15. $350 to wrap the roof vents on my house in wire to keep whatever the hell animal was running around in my attic this morning from getting back in. But, it was also a good day...(see the"Sweet Thread")
  16. Youtube Richard when they closed the Forum or Saku's return from Cancer. The 2 longest ovations I've every seen.
  17. 100 Reasons to Love the Habs as per TSN.ca
  18. I hope they miss that "go high" memo tomorrow as well. *L* As good as Price has played lately...high glove has still been a weaknes (witness: Crosby's goal the other night). Kessel scares me though....he looks like he could score on almost every shift. Flying everywhere and getting lots of good shots.
  19. The actual 100th Anniversary of teh Montreal Canadiens is this Friday. The pregame ceremonies start at 5:45 and the game is not until 8:00. Any MSHer's going? I only wish!
  20. So, that is either a "No" or a "wait and see" *L*
  21. Care to provide more info on these "wheels"?
  22. Thank you NHL Schedulers for giving the Leafs a Saturday night off. I get to watch the Habs in HD (AND English) tonight.
  23. Lucic is back on IR....4 weeks. High Ankle. ( http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=300065 )
  24. I was mildly amused at Sportcheck the other day. Saw a few Team Canada graphic Bauer Sticks (can't rememember the models). 2 available curves: Kane (American) Backstrom (Sweden) I realize companies have poster boys...but I still thought it was funny.
  25. Markov back on the ice. Finally, some good news (injury wise) for the Habs. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=299999
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