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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. You didn't take all that bad a bump to the head either did you? Makes you wonder how these hockey and football players think they are healthy to play after just a few games off for some of the monster shots they take. It didn't knock me out, but it was a pretty nasty one. Hope you get through this soon...sounds like a horrible experience.
  2. You didn't take all that bad a bump to the head either did you? Makes you wonder how these hockey and football players think they are healthy to play after just a few games off for some of the monster shots they take.
  3. That depends, do you have any plans for the evening? Actually back to back at home for the Dogs...wasn't feeling well last night, so I stayed in to watch the Habs...tongiht I'm headed to the Dogpound. I guess I should throw my gear in the truck...just in case. At least my pants and socks and helmet will match *L*
  4. So, the question I have now is: Who the Hell will be playing in Hamilton tonight ? *L* David Desharnais called up by the Habs
  5. The previous hats had MSH on the front...and the URL on the back. New hats have not been designed yet.
  6. Price appears to have found his game. And, if they can sustain some offensive presence like they had tonight with Gionta, Gomez, Spacek (along with Markov) out...things could still bode well for this team going forward.
  7. I really like those 3rd STL jerseys....I might have to get me a Perron jersey.
  8. Insured? Not that if you are you feel any less violated...or that the lack of respect shown by the d'bags who stole your stuff is any less...just wondering if the burden of replacing everything is eased at all?
  9. I'm kinda surpriseed Mason isn't. In interviews I've seen with him...he strikes me as a guy with lots to say. BTW, David...congrats on the #1 play of the week on TSN. Gotta get an MSH hat into one of those post game interviews...whadaya say?!?!?
  10. That is fantastic. Fitting tribute...and nice work.
  11. Was supposed to have a new Hi-Eff gas furnace installed tomorrow...but the guy who builds all his duct work ahd a cutting machine break down...so everything is backed up. Gotta reschedule for next week. Good thing there is lots of oil in the tank I am currently running off.
  12. That would be all fine and good...but they traded for BENOIT Pouliot. M-A (Marc Antoine) Pouliot played for Hamilton in the Edmonton organization a few years ago, and continues to play in Edm. MAP - http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=61459 BTW (not directed at Neal...just the thread in general)...Tonight's game scares me. The Jackets have Mathieu Garon. A French Canadian and former Hab. We all know they have a very, VERY poor record against that combination...especially in Montreal.
  13. I know that Steen and Winchester are both avid Twits (?) as well.
  14. I wonder if any of the other Bluea re aware of MSH and David's cult like following here. If they are...I wonder how much chirping he gets over it?
  15. Not a household name South of the border...but the lead singer of Jacksoul (Haydain Neale) passed away Sunday after a private 7 month battle with Lung Cancer. Met him a couple times at the station. One of the coolest guys ever. Amazing, soul/R&B voice too.
  16. So, Ovy pulls the shaving cream pie on Backstrom for his birthday...and while he's cleaning up, Boudreau walks in and Backy goes "c'mon...before a game?" (or something like that). Gabby goes "I know, I'm not playing him" and walks out. I LOL'd!
  17. Pouliot is on IR and BGL just got 5 games. I guess that makes the call up make a bit more sense. But of SK ends up playing 3rd or 4th line minutes...he'll be whining again in no time.
  18. I know there was a team that had the #1 and #2 pick from the same draft, yet didn't pick either one. /cue people scurrying to figure that one out so they can say they knew it. I can only assume the draft year makes it too obvious. Although, if the 2 played together and it wasn't for the teams that drafted either...that could still be a tricky piece of trivia.
  19. Pouliot was drafted 4th (right before Carey) in 2005. At the time...I was hoping he'd still be there at 5 for the Habs to pick. But, remembering how Price had played for Canada...I was happy with their pick at 5. After seeing Lats play in the WJC I was psyched when they traded up to get him at 45. I didn't (and still don't) think he should have played in the NHL that soon though. A year (or 2) in Hamilton would have been good for him. Now, looking back...I guess it all worked out. It's not often a team can end up with 2 Top Ten picks from the same draft. SK74 getting called back up? I guess with Gomer out, they need offense from someone...Maybe just giving him one last chance to stop whining and produce, while at the same time trying to showcase him for a future trade.
  20. yah for some reason there arent lots of people that like Ian White. the guy is making 950,000 a year and is amazing back there, can move the puck, isnt bad defensively. almost always shows up to play. heres hoping that the leafs keep him and poni (please keep poni) White's play the last 2 years has definitely earned him a raise next year...but if there is a lack of respect from BB...It won't be in Toronto. They have a very similar situation that Mon had last year. 14 FA's (11 UFA - I think). So, Burke will really be able to rebuild...and guys who may not be in his plans can be replaced without incident.
  21. Hmmm...sick hands, wicked shot...AND the wants to be a pilot. The Kovelev influence is all over DP57
  22. The SK74 factor is wild card in this...but if they want a potential skill top 6 player...I'd say Desharnais. Small though. 5'6'/165-170lbs. He could slide right a first line spot and wear Gionta's gear if necessary*L* Ben Maxwell was called up last year...so he's seen the big time already. He's a Top 6 in the "A"...mostly like a 3rd/4th liner in the NHL. Trotter has been consistent this year...but again, his role in the AHL is probably not the same role he plays in the NHL...at least not right now. As far as BGL...he's been off the ice for a while...a team like Washington is not likely to want/need to fight...so, they can let him get his legs...play 5-8 minutes...and get his game (as much game as he's got) back.
  23. I gotta say, a Phantom call is one thing...but a Phantom 4 Minute call is insane. They are definitely finding new and interesting ways to lose. A 3-0 lead on a bad team??? That lead could only be blown by a bad team!
  24. The difference is Carbo would have done Moen on the first line with a healthy lineup. At least Martin has been forced to try it by injury. Although, I thought Metro held his own on that line the other day. I'd go: Metro/Gomez/Cammy AK46/Pleky/Patches Lats/Lappy/Moen Laraque/Chipper/White sit: Pyatt
  25. Heard on a radio report this afternoon...4 weeks (or so) for Gionta. TSN still lists indef.
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