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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=293943 Was that so hard?
  2. Not nearly as big a loss as Markov...but now O'Byrne is out 6 weeks. He was playing decent to start the year. Staying within himself...not trying to do too much. Weber up, officially.
  3. PK is not ready for the NHL...rushing 18/19 yr old D-Men into the League is rarely a good idea (Doughty and Schenn are excepotions...not the rule). Besides...I've heard Parnell Karl has some maturing to do off the ice...and last year proved young, immature kids in Montreal can be nothing but trouble. Weber is a better choice if someone from the A is to go up.
  4. TSN now confirming...Markov our for 3-4 months after a deep laceration on his leg. Yanick Weber expected to be called up from Hamilton. HUUUUUUGE blow for the Habs. Well, at least Andrei doesnt' have to worry about being named Captain now. :(
  5. Bobby Mac was saying last night the absolute worst thing a team can do in this situation is trade the player. All that does is validate the behavior for others.
  6. The saga of Sergei K continues: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=293177 Snotty SOB can go back to Belarus for all I care.
  7. also no ads on the dashers HSBC just installed new boards and glass....they didn't have time to get rink boards on before tonights game...It looked really old school. Been a LONG time since I saw a game with no ads.
  8. I'm thinking there will be a spike in new members from St. Louis.
  9. Are they new style or could they be left over from last season? Did Lang wear Warrior last year? You mean, "Did Warrior make some for Lang last year?" True.
  10. Are they new style or could they be left over from last season? Did Lang wear Warrior last year?
  11. Habs prospect David Desharnais (#58 in Camp) is wearing Warrior gloves with #20 on the thumb. He can't wear those in the AHL...and there is no #20 on the roster for the Habs, that I'm aware of... I wonder what the deal is with those gloves.
  12. It looks like Gomez and Camallerri like playing together...hope that continues all year.
  13. Or, hopefully they all man up and learn how to take an NHL pass...or was that tongue in cheek...sorry, hard to tell on the interweb sometimes.
  14. So, the training camp season isn't even a week old...and apparently the Montreal media is already stirring up shit. According to Martin and Markov...Gazette is wrong in reporting Andrei was offered (and turned down) the "C" Linky goodness: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=291208
  15. Markov has turned down the "C" (according to reports) http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=291208
  16. 3 months left in the year...a little earlier for a "Year in Review" isn't it?
  17. Ha. Gotta love being "socially acceptable" with just a hint of "rebellion"
  18. It was either Sportsnet or TSN that I saw it on up here...
  19. Saw a Source for Sports commercial last night promoting FBV. First time I've seen it specifically featured in an ad.
  20. The new ownership group in Montreal includes Hamilton Bulldogs owner Michael Andlauer. I wonder if he suspents that the Dogs won't be in Hamilton much longer....hmmmm!
  21. Doesn't get it. Okay. Let's move on, shall we. The horse has been beaten to death a couple times by now.
  22. Stop quoting pictures multiple times. It's damn annoying.
  23. I've got a Worth EST (an older model...all red...can't rememebr what it is) that has lost it's pop...and a cheap Worth Silencer.
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