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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. You want to be more specific...are you inviting the Perron's or ALL the Blues *L*
  2. Habs...lovin' those Bleu Blanc et Rouge Warriors!
  3. Don't even get me started on Lats...he should be in his first full year in the NHL....He should have been a Bulldog to start his Pro career.
  4. Hopefully this is a Kovulchuk type foot injury...what did he miss, just 3 weeks?
  5. Is that Dave Babych in the Itech helmet *L*
  6. It's very hard to be good at both ends of the ice. If you spend all your effort in the defensive end, you have nothing left when it's time to head to the other end. I realize that..but holy shit. Feast or famine. Price looked AWESOME in the SO tonight! Nice to see him getting his swag' back (is that how the kids say it?)
  7. That's Hockey reairs at 10P on TSN2 for those who missed it.
  8. Bell Centre faithful booing at the end of the 2nd. Score is 2-1 Carolina. Is it any wonder it's hard to lure FA's to Montreal. WTH...2 or 3 weeks ago...this team was scoring like crazy, but couldn't keep it out of their net and Price looked washed up. Now, Price has found his game...they've buckled down defensively...allowing WAY too many shots but only 1 or 2 goals a night, but now they can't score to save their lives.
  9. I agree...I hate bugs in general really, but especially spiders. There are centipedes and things in my basement from time to time...so I am very careful to shake the hell out of my gear before I pack it now. Do they look like these? http://thepilver.files.wordpress.com/2008/...e-centipede.jpg If so, I have them too and if I ever get one in any piece of equipment, I'm throwing it away immediately! Yes...they do. Little bastards! But our little aside has become it's own discussion...let's get this back to showing off gear shall we?
  10. I pretty much expected that response from someone (you or Drew specificallly).
  11. I agree...I hate bugs in general really, but especially spiders. There are centipedes and things in my basement from time to time...so I am very careful to shake the hell out of my gear before I pack it now.
  12. I work for an airline. I'll be on more airplanes this week than most people here will be on in a year. I think the only guy on MSH who can rival your flight time is Perron. Then again, there are some salesmen here who probably log 'athlete like' freq. flyer miles.
  13. It's actually called the "House". Who says MSH is just about hockey knowledge...we can advise on all things ice!
  14. Solved my slow drain issue tonight. What a feeling of success when you take on a home improvement and tear through it with no problems.
  15. For craps sake...don't say the 'H' word.
  16. Try a snake. We ended up getting a stronger solvent that wasn't commercially available for our shower, but from what I gather that has potential to kill some pipes. Yeah...I've snaked the damn thing too. It's old plumbing so my fear is that they've rusted inside and even when it's clear the pipe is just very narrow. My GF's family has a deli...so I'm waiting for a hookup on the real indusrltrial stuff they use on clogged snow at the store. If that doesn't work...it's hacksaw time!
  17. The slow drains in my house. Tub takes FOREVER to drain. I'm dumping Drano down it like crazy...hopeing I can lossen whatever is in there...because cutting/removing/replacing old plumbing is not my idea of a fun time.
  18. Wow, that would be something ! I don't like how Pierre McGuire addressed Habs fan specifically: "LOOK Canadian fans, LOOK! This is exactly what i'm talking about, Maxime Lapierre talks and [...]" Like we were ignorant or it was our fault. He may have addressed the Habs fans, but the message was towards everyone in Habs-dom. Lapierre is seen as a rat by many and the media and fans have been enablers for him, of course he's not that different than Avery or Burrows in that regard. Mcguire actually mentioned this very topic with the team 990 a few weeks ago, and how some one was going to cave his face in, as silly as it sounds he's trying to help Lapierre by calling him out like that. Pierre seems to really like Lappy. He's always been pretty complimentary of his effort/hustle. This is the first time I've really heard him be 'called out' for his yipping...so I agree that he is trying to help/warm him. I'm sure if he gets the chance to speak to him one-on-one (off camera) he will say all the same things.
  19. He's practicing and travelling with the team and Gabby sayd he's probably not gone for more than 2 weeks.
  20. Bell/Bell Mobility/Ma Bell and that stupid "Emily" WTF...these clowns mess up everything they touch. On Sept 2...I went into a Bell World to set up the move of my Bell Internet Service and set up Bell TV when I moved into the house. I was offered an internet promo package at $28.90 a month with no contract (for the reg. priced $39.99 'Premium' package). Figured that was too good to pass up...but I repeated the offer back to her to make sure I heard it right..."yes...that's right" she said...I'd be an idiot not ot take it, right...so I took it. This was with a CS Rep on the phone...because for some reason...even when you go into a Bell World Store...you have to call 310-SURF to get anything done with Internet. Fine...while I was on hold with her...I asked the girl behind the desk to review my cell plan...becasue I have every intention of not having home phone and just using my cell. She said I didn't have any additonal calling plans (I thought evenings and weekends was included in my package...) but I could add Eve/Wkd for $7. Again...seems too good to be true...I repeat the offer...she says yes...so I take it. Bell TV has been set up everything is great...no issues there (at least not yet). Fast forward to Nov 3...I've been in the house since Sept 26 and have paid my last bills from the apartment and have recieved a Mobile bill...but have yet to see any bills for my Internet or TV services at the house...so I call yesterday to make sure eveything is okay and my new mailing address is correct. They say that my "welcome credit" is still cancelling out my bill...so they still owe me $5.00 which is why I have yet to recieve a bill for TV...okay great "can you check my Internet" I ask. Yes...you owe $54 (and change). "No I don't" I say...I was offered a promotion at 28.90 by (Reps name) on Sept 2...here is the confirmation number. Which I was smart enough to write down. She starts telling me how at a base of $39.99 she can't apply enough credits to get to that number...I explain nicely that I don't know how...but I am paying what I was quoted...she said something about "bulk credits" I said: "I've got Internet/Sat/Mobile all with Bell...that's 3 of the 4 prodcuts they sell...is that BULK enough for her"? She insists that there aren't enough applicable credits to get to $28.90...to which I reply (and the guy in the office next to me is laughing his ass off at this point)... "I don't give a shit HOW you do it...but get my bill to $28.90 becasue that is all I intend to pay!" She put me on hold...comes back and says she has applied the credit(s) and my bill will be $28.90 moving forward. I will wait to see the bill in writing to belive that...Oh, and she said I'd have to take a 2 year contract to get it...but the TV was on a contract...so what the eff...I took it. Now, back to the "too good to be true" Unlimited Eve/wknd offer. My bill for Oct came today...and I have an unlimited plan that covered evenings from 6p-8p ONLY. I was told it would be 6p-7a M-Th and 6p Fri to 7a Mon covered. I explain what I was sold...she credits almost $30 in calling off my bill...then says there is no evenings AND weekends package...you have to buy them separately...and they are $10 each. So, I bought the evening package...and will be very careful with how I use my phone on weekends. Sorry for the long post...but Jesus H. Christ. 2 days...2 calls with 4 different operators over an hour and half on hold...what a way to run a business. The kicker is...my only other option for TV where I am is Cogeco/Cable...and Bell HD is VASTLY superior to HD via Cable, and it's cheaper.
  21. CKAC (French radio in Montreal) and TSN are reporting that BG has been in contact with Chris Chelios...and that Chelios is very interested in rejoining the Habs. Also...Tom Pyatt and Ryan White (both Forwards) have been called up from Hamilton. There are players that have done better so far this year in Hamilton...I wonder what role these guys will play in Montreal and if anyone is coming down?
  22. Interesting...Jaro has been getting all the net time lately...and Price STILL manages to win the Oct Molson Cup Award. http://canadiens.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=...vid=DL|MTL|home
  23. I think you have play Halak until he loses...hopefully Price wins his game when he gets his chance, and puts together 2-3 (or more) wins of his own. Mind you back-to-back games Fri/Sat mean they are probably going to end Halak streak of starts (win or loss) before the end of the week.
  24. Price being a good team guy (for now anyways): http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=296297
  25. lmfao Orr tried to make the linesman give him a little more time in the fight and bowled him right over, then gets taken down by Parros. That should have been a ten game suspension for Orr I didn't even think was up for debate....touching a ref is an auto... (oh, wait...it's the Leafs) <_< /realize I'm a Habs fan open to TONS of ribbing for that...but what the hell!
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