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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Ok lets make sense of what this guy is saying..... "No...I've never heard of anyone who likes it...I figure in 5 years it won't even be around anymore" Ok first part.....Hummm I guess Cory Stillman isn't anyone? As for John Q Public the jury is still out but overall there are more that like it than don't so far. As for the second part. Well even if you just did regular hollows it still saves on wheel and dressing time so that sort of blows that theory. Well you might say well I like it a little inside the half line...guess what every machine is calibrated differently...however an Spinner dressing is pretty damn close from one machine to the next so if you wanted standard ROH either the BS or the BM spinner style systems will dress better and faster. He did say something about NHLers not using it...I mentioned the Florida Panthers/St. Louis Blues...I think he said something like: "None of the young guys though...just the old guys like Stillman who can't skate anyways" He's obvious never seen Perron skate. He's doing okay on FBV. I figure it's just an obvious case of Spinner envy.
  2. So, I thought the consensus report on FBV is that it is pretty damn good, right? I just moved into a new part of town...and went into the local Sports place...it's a small independent place...no big Forzani, Rousseau or Source for Sports behind them... I ask the guy if they do FBV...he goes: "No...I've never heard of anyone who likes it...I figure in 5 years it won't even be around anymore" He then told me that his BM rep told him their machine could be altered to do a flat sharpen at a cost of about $2000...but that it "...wasn't worth it, so don't I've heard a few say they are not 100% sold on it...but that is the first guy I've heard flat out bash it...
  3. Actually, truth be told...I think he has more raw talent than Andrei. I've said it before...that fact that he came to North America and played in the OHL gave him a step up on Andrei in both being ready for the NHL grind...and having more well rounded training than AK would've have had in the Leagues he played in prior to coming to NA. But, having said that...yes, he expects too much. This out of Montreal now...if the French Language press(e) is to be believed: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=295672 And, actually...when his Jr. eligibility ended and he was added to the roster as a "black ace" in the 2007 Playoffs...he did bitch about not being on the active roster.
  4. BG needs to stop playing into this kids hands...let him go if he isnt' happy....you're only 2 years into an entry level deal...not like he's a $5M star player that wants out...cut the loss and let him go. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=295672
  5. Hmmm...spoke WAY too soon on that one....Apparently (according to the Habs official Facebook Group)...SK74 left the Dogs today and is again under suspension from the Canadiens. No confirmation from the Dogs...but there is talk about it on the Habs Fan Forum. TSN/RDS Story ----> http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=295602
  6. Halak in net tonight v. ATL...and MA Bergeron makes his Habs debut. Apparently Sergei looked pretty good on the roadtrip with the Dogs this weekend. We'll see where that saga goes in the coming weeks.
  7. It's only 5 games in...he might still turn out to be.
  8. Problems with his feet can be corected in a few practices (hopefully)....it's when it gets between his ears (like last year) that it is a REAL problem.
  9. The most frustrating thing about watching the Habs right now through this losing streak...is other than the Vancouver game (and I haven't seen every minute of every game)...I find it hard to fault their effort/compete level so far. The problem last year was no good scoring chances...this yea rhtey seem to be gettng lots...they just aren't going in for them. Carey has lost games ands given up some goals...but he doesn't have that look of utter frustration after a goal like he did last year...which makes me think he will be okay. He looks a lot like he did in the AHL Playoff in 2007: ""meh, they scored...no biggie...I'll stop the next one". He's got "Doc Halladay syndrome" No Run Support. When the Habs starts getting 3-4 a night...(which looks very possible with the chances/shots athey are getting)...2-3 against won't be as big a deal...you should be able to allow 2 goals and still win in this League.
  10. Season (and possibly career ending) surgery for Van Ryn: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=295000 Bright side (I guess)...LTIR it gets his salary off the books which could be a good thing for the Leafs.
  11. As DS points out...they have a history with Team USA...so I doubt he'd fire him before the Olympics and then have to work with him through Vancouver...now AFTER the break...all bets/votes of confidence are off.
  12. I think Wilson is safe (at least for now) (from tsn.ca article) Full article ----> http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=294818
  13. PK looked pretty good. Moves REALLY well. Looks like he wants to be in control from the D., which is nice. Took a couple stupid penalties...and looks like he can ham it up with the best of them. I hoipe he doesn't play in the NHL this year. 1. it will be rushing him...and 2. if they get to him...that means we've had WAAAAAY too many injuries in Montreal. Before him: Weber Bergeron Henry Belle maybe even Carle have all put in some time in the "A" already an deserve a look.
  14. That's the problem when you overpay for FA's....they ty to play up to a contract they should have never gotten. I'm speaking mostly of Komi. He's NOT a $4+M D-man...
  15. Finally get the chance to see PK Subban play live tonight. Can't wait. From what I've seen on youtube and the Habs site...he can flat out FLY!
  16. Found another place in town that does it for the same price as a normal sharpen (Sportchek - Ancaster for those in the area). Went out there after work...the kid behind the counter said he hadn't done it yet...but could try on a pair of the trade in skates first, before doing mine. I opted to go back tomorrow when the guy who has trained in the FBV is in.
  17. I agree if they use him mostly in that role...but 5 on 5 I don't think he's much better than a 3rd pair D-Man.
  18. TSN Reports/Official Team Facebook Group confirms: Habs sign MA Bergeron to $750k contract. Not sure how I feel about this. He can put up some numbers...but he is small and has been a Defensively liability in the past. Although he did throw on of the NICEST hip check/shoulder tosses you will EVER see a few years back v. Dallas.
  19. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=293943 Was that so hard?
  20. Not nearly as big a loss as Markov...but now O'Byrne is out 6 weeks. He was playing decent to start the year. Staying within himself...not trying to do too much. Weber up, officially.
  21. PK is not ready for the NHL...rushing 18/19 yr old D-Men into the League is rarely a good idea (Doughty and Schenn are excepotions...not the rule). Besides...I've heard Parnell Karl has some maturing to do off the ice...and last year proved young, immature kids in Montreal can be nothing but trouble. Weber is a better choice if someone from the A is to go up.
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