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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Got my touch ups yesterday. She pretty much re-did all the red in te eleaf, the blue lines, and a couple small parts long the black outline. Now it totally looks awesome...took her just under 20 minutes...I gave her $10. She seemed genuinely surprised when I handed her cash...so I guess I wasn't too cheap with it.
  2. ^^^ You need a blue bucket and your set. Oh, crap....that sounds like a PHEW post.
  3. Custom for you? Or from the Habs? There were a bunch of guys wearing those this year.
  4. They'd look good with a white AHL Philly Phantoms jersey.
  5. That is a solid set up Radio. Thanks...already had the visor...and only paid $33 for the lid...so the price was right too.
  6. She said she might go over ALL the red in mine...so it'll take 30 minutes or so...I'm thinking 5-10 bucks...
  7. Rockin' this tonight:
  8. Question about touch ups...do yo guys tip for that? If so how much...as much as the initial tat?
  9. My office has an auction a few times a year to raise money for the charity du jour. This time it was for the local Children's Hospital. I bought a Mission Intake Fusion for $33. [EDIT]; Sure, I'm cheap...not my fault they put the starting bid at $5. I outbid my boss too ($30) which was nice. He wasn't in today *L*
  10. He had issues with the coaching staff the year he played U20. Or that is to say the coaching staff had some issues with his play. Some of it may even be documented in this thread...That staff has changed...and this team is evaluated for different purposes than the U20, so I think it's a totally differnet situation. He's a pro now, and the World Championship team is (generally) made up of the best available pros for each Country. His perfomrnace in the playoffs should qualify him for an invite to represent Canada.
  11. I can't imagine he won't at least be asked...I'm sure his past issues with Hockey Canada wouldn't prevent an invitation. Would it? It's pro coaches...other pro players. Highest non-NHL level...I think he should be asked, all past BS aside.
  12. Most of those are to look at your glove collection....aren't they?
  13. CBC's throwing lots of love David's way.
  14. We'd appreciate an effort made to at least make your posts readable if you want to continue contributing.
  15. I'm always amazed (although it shouldn't be a surprise) how pros get the best shots and wicked stick flex in the worst body pisitions...I have to be perfect in every way to achieve any kind of accuracy/power and flex. I guess that's what separates Pros from Joes... Hey, I have an idea for a TV show.... <_< n/m!
  16. Is it too late to get the Habs on it?!?!?!?
  17. And he started really slowly (scoring wise). He could easily be up near 60-65 already with a better start to the year. But, I guess that's what Year 3 is for.
  18. It's actually healing up quite nicely. There is a small part on the West Coast *L* that needs a touch up...but really...I'm impressed with how consistent and solid the red is. How's the rib piece coming?
  19. Beat the Wings 5-4. Backes had 4 goals. David only had 9:00 of ice time. No points. Odd given the way he's been playing lately.
  20. No offense to anyone else, but that has got to be one of the coolest tattoos ever. Hockey related or not. The thing that is cool about the design..is it can inspire new designs without be copied directly. Take your state...or province...or country...or city map...add the hockey lines and a flag, or element from your flag...and you've got the possibility of hundreds of different tattoo's based on the same idea, but it can still be individual.
  21. Likin' the Warrior/RBK's
  22. Thanks. I'm quite happy with her work. I've got 3 tats...she's done 2. I'll go back to her if (...ahem, WHEN) I get another.
  23. Right outta the chair...My tribute to Canada and Hockey: The map is a little bigger than in my original...I think she had to for the sake of the detail...I think it looks better with the big map. Besides the coloring in SUCKS...so that left less red to color. She thought the red would heal up nice...in fact her skin is very similr to mine and she showed be a red bird she has had for over 5 years and it still look nice and bright...so I'm not really worried
  24. I don't think the white looks THAT bad...nice gloves.
  25. Dupes....whose #15 is that? They selling Metroplit's gear already?
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