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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Saw his SO winner...on NHLN...(not HD). Kinda grainy...did he kinda whiff it and make it a knuckleball...or did he really Fire it top corner. Either way, 'tendy looked really fooled.
  2. What they used to have was VERY limited....the new store is supposed to be expanded. I didn't get in there last I went.
  3. I am about to conduct that experiment. I have a high-level figure skater here in Orlando - I have to talk to her about it. I believe she will be interested. More glide would equal more speed going into jumps, No? Can't be a bad thing.
  4. Ha...if we were any whiter...we'd be see through.
  5. She told me white is very hard to do well...so, the 'ice' will be left my normal skin tone...and she may do some whispy light greys like the smoke in my dragon. I can't remember exactly what technique she called it. There will be a lot of red...so the prospect of it not looking right does scare me a little. But, I'm sure they've seen enough skin tones that if my looks problematic she will let me know before we get to that point.
  6. I will. I guessing issues with red stem from having a hard time differentiating ink from blood while working...so it is probably harder to get a consistent solid color. But, touch ups are free...so a second trip isn't the end of the world.
  7. Got the appointment for my Canada/hockey one next Thursday. Have yet to see the final design...but she is working off the one I posted a page or two back. I've heard that some people have issue with how red heals on their skin...can anyone comment.
  8. Has he totally abandoned the idea of switching back to his whites...or maybe next year?
  9. My first was Petor at Atomica Tattoo...second was Tamara at Sinkin' Ink. Going back to Tam for this one. Windsor is about 3.5 hours.
  10. Looking forward to seeing the final product. I'm probably getting the Leaf/Map done early next month.
  11. Not anything I'll be driving anytime soon...but has anyone else seen the new Escalades with the 'fade' paint job...? I've seen Red/Maroon to Black and Hot Pink to White. I gotta say the red to black looks damn nice...pink to white...not so much.
  12. I was told 5-10 days between ink and hockey...but, they also said if I did play before that wash it before...wash it after. As far as discomfort...ever played with a sunburn...? I'd compare it to that. I played on a Sunday after having mine done Monday night...it was pretty itchy, and I didn't wear shoulders just to prevent the extra rubbing/irritation...but I don't think you can really damage the tat at all. I suppose if your gear if really nasty and you go bare skin/fresh tat, an infection is a possibility.
  13. cc87....did you get that ribpiece finished?
  14. Sadly no...but 2 nice goals.
  15. I dont agree.....I would love to charge a ton of money but with times as they are.......I think offering a customer something better for the same or a light bit more is a better idea!~ I mean there is a difference between charging more and double your normal price....I mean some guys are charging $10. If you charge the same for both (initially) it would encourage people...who may not know what it is...to try it. Once it becomes the standard...and everyone acknowledges that it is superior...the price going up may not be as shocking. But I agree...double is too much. If $5 is the normal...$7.50 seems reasonable, if you feel you have to charge more.
  16. How many are actual keepers? Gotta love digital....take pics EVERYTHING and sort it out later. That an expensive practice if you're buying film.
  17. Not a Sabres fan (hate them actually)...but those ARE nice mitts.
  18. He really doesn't look THAT different.
  19. Buddy of mine used it for the first time last week...He loves it. Add another 35+ beer leaguer to the list of converts.
  20. I have to tap the goalies pads far too often...they've been stoning me bad lately *L* I usually follow "Nice save..." with "...you sonofabitch".
  21. For those shops that have FBV...do you charge a premium for it...or the same as a 'regular' sharpen?
  22. That's an article you will never see in the US. Good balance but it's a shame the writer wasn't able to offer his impressions of the FBV. The author is a goalie...he's also a beat writer for the Bulldogs...If I run into him at a Dogs game I'll ask him if he's used it yet, and what he thinks of it.
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