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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. Correct. it was designed for the North American player using single and doubles that wanted just a slight change.
  2. Hes been around for a while. Ibhad a ton of Step still do so I haven't bought anything else. It really sharpens well. I didn't like massive actually.
  3. Time to go to Byonic. Can't close them down. Sharpens the closest to Step in my opinion.
  4. Wow..... I'm with @BenBreeg show me how ita better. Don't tell me it is and that's all there is to it.
  5. Really? I have never had a smooshed tounge..
  6. Hummm. Never had that issue? How tight are you going with the wrap?
  7. With the new thin tongue that wouldn't be the best way as the tongue molds as well.
  8. Sorry that should have said the ankle area not the top. You only need to do like 2 go arounds at the top. Then lean forward into the tongue
  9. That's actually the preference with them now. Not do top 3 and use shrink wrap at the top
  10. Talk to Lee Harris in Columbus. I did his skates way back and he has had his copied from the trainer there. Or just ask him what he thinks. Probably one of the best skating coaches I have met. I have met a lot.....LOL. That being said there are so many good ones and new ones coming around all the time really making an effort to help kids get better.
  11. I believe that they have a good chance of beating it.
  12. Pretty much what I said. Having worked with Pro Sharp machines since the late 90s I understand how things are supposed to be done. And locally they are not done correctly.
  13. So am I wrong in hearing that the Ellipse is smother than a Quad? Just what I took from this at the end of the discussion.
  14. I am very intrigued. My issue is that the Quads done in my area are not done properly. I know factually that a profile with great than 2 (IE: 9-11 works to say a 8-13 does not) Meaning the scientific study that was done showed that a variable larger than 2 was in efficient and caused issues with the transition. So I have been asking for ages that a scientific study be done to prove the advantage to the Quad as in my opinion the .5 (The .5 was my recommendation to Pro Sharp and made for the OHL team I was working with at the time) is the only one that does what it says it will from the science as they are using here on the Ellipse. So if I had a further breakdown on the Ellipse it might sway me to get a machine and bars.
  15. Yes I have seen akl the videos etc. Still basically zero information on how to sell them. Comparison and equivalent profiles. We all know alot of stores dont do Quads properly.
  16. Still no information on what there equivalent to and why they should be sold.
  17. Actually watching the video seems like a singular radius with a flatter center section.
  18. No there not gimmicky. But there isn't the independent data to prove that they work better than what is out there.
  19. Not sure if you read the previous posts. I was the one that came up with the numbers for 0.5. I know it works. BUT... I dont believe the others work as that one does.
  20. Wow ok. You got me. You also talked to the Pro Sharp guys to find out I was right about the 0.5 Quad. Get me point?
  21. IMO your on the best one that is closest to what is used my most pros.
  22. To date the studies done at Brock University on profile, Blade Pitch and Profiled vs not profiled are the most conclusive studies done by the same Professor. There are no independent studies done on Pro sharp profiles. Love to see some.
  23. The only thing is there is so much that has changed in the hockey skate. cut of boot and so on. Not a bad base to start with and using something similar but I wouldn't be going by that as my #1 reference but a good read.
  24. They don't send customs unmounted anymore.
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