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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. Ok so its late and I may be reading your reply in correctly. I am saying if we knew that the skate in question would cause US as in the people on the site the issue (as I am sure some if not a lot have had it at some point) we would have steered clear of that skate. Of course people buy the fad skate regardless of fit and function. I was not referring to the general public. I was saying the same as you?
  2. Have had great success with the Stable 26 product as well some guys I have worked with use both if one foot is really bad. All a matter of fitting that heel properly from the beginning......if we all knew this would happen I know most would not pic the skates that caused the issue. Such a difficult thing to fit the heel of the skate!
  3. hummm need to learn how to upload photos!

  4. Seeing as I do not sell skates anymore I am happy to assist in a fitting for people in the GTA. I can offer fitting advice and a possible shop in your area to try on some different models. So far things have worked very well for those getting their new skates!
  5. The testing initially was done here in Toronto for it and there was marginal differences in the speed and such. the guys that did like it and had it switched to them was like its ok but not like they had to have it. I think the main issue with it in the testing was that they put everyone on 7-13 and the ZC and expected guys to just take to it. as mentioned before in another spot even the owner agreed that was probably not the best idea as the gues were used to a shorter combo radius. So if that was done with the ZC they actually may have noticed a larger difference and in one players case they would have had to get it as he was a star player on that team. I always believe when there is an issue you have to see that person skate check all the variables there is no magic fix and no one profile or sharpen that works for everyone. I have my go to profiles and hollows i start with and go from there. As one player stated today to me " I am going back to what got me here. I am getting X skate from the store going with it because it feels good I was trying to out think myself in sticks and skates, so were starting from scratch and I will drop them off to you wed." a good tough AHL player that had a decent season last year but was trying to over tweek everything. Starting wed he will be back to pretty much stock everything curve and skates and do minor tweeks until it feels good again. Sorry was closing up and was on a role there. I shouldn't post late at night..........lol
  6. I have been working with it for 3 years IMO there are some benefits as mentioned for some and there is a study being done this year vs FBV and ROH sharpening when that is complete and there is proof that it actually offers a larger than 5% increase in speed then I will jump on the bandwagon. I would never deter a player from getting it as long as they use the profile they are used to and we figure out the hollow they are most comfortable with using the channel. As of right now I have one player using it (here dad is an investor in the company so......) others have tried and didn't really feel the difference. NHL players that had it done while skating in Toronto had the blades removed last season at camp as the trainers involved did not want to deal with more products. That being said some are now using Pro Sharp machines to do the Profiles to save themselves time so we will see as mentioned how it goes. I will just sit and wait before investing in my own machine as I have access to Pro Sharp and ZC blades from the supplier here.
  7. I dont play anymore I did have custom Graf Inline boots (I think I still have them) with Redstar chasis and wheels.
  8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/295337_255916707888280_894774485_n.jpg This is one and I have a goal skate that looks pretty awesome as well! These are so much fun to do!
  9. Is it just me or is the holder and issue for measuring for the profile? It seems to have a dip in the middle. I thought it was a bad pair but just did another pair and the same thing. Thoughts?
  10. Blademaster has done there's with Brock University. Blackstone was U of O....as mentioned. I do not think U of O ever did anything with Blademaster. The Max Edge one was with Brock as well I believe?
  11. Every blade right now is being copied. I can not see how they will not be able to do the same thing again.
  12. No they say that a taller blade is more beneficial......
  13. Who knows.. I just like the fact they admit that blades that are shorted do not work as well and boots hit the ice. It will make it so much easier to sell blades......"See it says right here on the site!"
  14. This is to darn funny.... http://www.bauer.com/cms-media/13/02/15978-BAUER-live-main-default-imagedata.png For ages we have been saying this why to use Step and all the while the companies have been saying it really does not make that much of a difference......now according to the site they have discovered this as if it is something new?? Really?
  15. Well seeing as they are made in Canada I would be interested know if there is a similar law?
  16. This kinda makes a lot of sense actually........Well I sure hope Step can do it. It sure would be nice to keep going using there products at all times! Jimmy Makes a lot of sense on this one here.......I wonder how they can do that when they havent on any others???
  17. My understanding from Bauer is that the patented on this blade is such that it can not be copied?
  18. Well I am just a sharpening shop now and only deal with Step I will not be stocking any other steel. Well until the new Bauer skates come out anyway then I won't have much choice!
  19. CCM Edge checker can be had from Nash Sports in Peterborough for around 70 i think it is. The one from blademaster the good one is 150!
  20. I am in the same boat. Happened last week luckily Step is close to me and has never been out when I have placed an order. I didn't look on the site but I take it you have to order from a US distributor? I thought I saw one before just wasn't sure.
  21. Kinda figured as much. Thanks for explaining that for the guy!
  22. I do not think it would be fair of me to make a comment on another Pro Shop's policy. Myself I would sell you sharpened steel, however I would highly recommend getting them profiled as even though Step is far better and usually bang on from one runner to the next they are never 100%! For myself to ship to the US is much to costly i feel for the customers. That is why I mainly only do Pro and NCAA players blades because the team or school pays for the shipping. If you were to order 3 sets then maybe it would be worth it. Maybe have a talk with the boy's there I am sure you can all work something out?
  23. If your in Canada I can help you out. But yah if your in the US No-Icing is a great place to go!
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