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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by number21

  1. I have heard the black tuuks have a reputation for breaking. We'll see what happens. I probably shouldn't have bought them, my 6000's are still holding up. I guess I just really like the older skates.
  2. $50 + shipping off ebay. If they were used, it must have been once or twice only.
  3. My new, old Bauer 5000s. :) Anyone know if these are heat moldable? If it helps, the names are screened on not embroidered, they are made in Canada and the box is ©1996 (not that that necessarily means anything).
  4. Cmd+F flips it in photo booth. You can also set it to autoflip.
  5. You don't need to stop, you need to catch up! You need a pair of first-generation Z-airs and a pair of Eagle Z-airs. :P Yeah. Frist gens or Inigla's retro would be nice!
  6. Pair number 3 of the z-air style - Navy. (I have to stop!) New pants Jofa 7000. 2 piece tanks! I wish they were medium instead of small, but these will break in.
  7. Christ. I think some guys just have a complete lack of self control. I know with adrenaline/playing the game can get to you, but two handing someone while they're down ... I just can't imagine doing that. We got a guy like that on my team. Except he takes partial credit for his "coaching" when good things happen on the ice. Meanwhile when he starts screaming I have to move and can only take so much of it and the fact that his booze/cig breath could stop a charging rhino.
  8. Crossbows? Crossbows are made to flex and hold for a period of time until the trigger is pulled. Hockey sticks are made to flex briefly as your taking a shot. That comparison is weak. Whether or not the stick should have or shouldn't have been marked, to me, doesn't compare to some snotty-kid with no value of a top of the line stick flexing it to the point of failure. That's not testing it out. That's plain disregard for someone else property. I am sure he didn't go in with the intent of breaking it, but he did and he or his parents should be responsible for it. I think "you break it, you buy it" applies here. I can't quite fathom the logic of this one.
  9. I just picked up my Jofa 7000 pants I got from ebay. WOW! These feel like tanks compared to my Bauer 8000! I always seem to fall on my rear hip/ass and finally got tired of the lingering pain. They are a little snug in small, I probably should have a medium, maybe I can swap out the lowers later down the road. I also picked up some used Vapor 10 because I always loved how they look. They are only so-so on my feet though. The supreme 6000 feel better.
  10. Oh man, I haven't listened to the Rev in years. It about time I do again.
  11. on the more indie side of things... The Walkmen. I just saw them live for about the 6th time last night. They are a great band.
  12. Bought these off of Dupes. There are great, better than the black ones that I already have.
  13. My first thought for 13 comes from the Pixies song "Number 13 Baby". 13 has a lot of lucky/unlucky/religious/gang/drug connotations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13_%28number%29 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_a_tatt...er_13_symbolize
  14. Smoke, did you rent out some tank space at a brewery or something?
  15. yeah, that's what i meant. (but not what i typed)
  16. holy crap! I never though about taking out the ear loops! Mine is a little tight in the temple, but getting better as I use it.
  17. Those are some nice shots Fletch! Not too harsh of lighting at that time of day too. I had some aspirations to be a photographer as a kid. I really fell out of it after high school and came into digital late. I have a decent pentax digital (for some reason i opted for the non-stabilized when it was a choice <_<) I need to get back into it, my composition and metering have really gone into the crapper. I get very disappointed with what I get when I drag out the camera. Like with all things, practice make perfect (or at least better!).
  18. I don't know much about cars, but I think VW repairs costs are usually higher than domestics/hondas/toyotas. I have an 01 civic, 125K+ miles and the only problems I have had have either been fender benders or waiting too long on brakes (once). Other than that it has run like a dream. I think I finally need some suspension work though. <_< Oh yeah, my SRS (air bags) computer went a few months after my warranty, I never got that fixed.
  19. Really awful photo of David right now on the nhl.com front page. :lol:
  20. JR said the liner is different, details are probably in the catalog.
  21. You have enough gloves TBL! JW they were $125 shipped. I don't know if it's a great deal or not, I am happy with the purchase. The cuffs might take a little bit to get used to. I used "easton z-air" site:craigslist.com on google and these came up. They have been up for a while before I finally pulled the trigger. Here is the collection. (Which is ridiculous because I suck! See what MSH has done to me.) D1RTYD0M, you need to put you photo on a photosite (flickr, photobucket or the like) then you copy the url of the image (not the biggest version of it!). Then when you post here you click the "insert image" button a window will pop up asking for the url. And you're done.
  22. Thanks craigslist! :) (photo is a bit dark) Unused, still need to be broken in. I was worried since eastons don't fit me well usually, but these do!
  23. Any one know if it's possible to make a flex-thumb a lock-thumb through a pro like Peaches?
  24. Does he have a deal with Warrior or does he just like the gear?
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