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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Monty22

  1. What did you use to dye the tongues, RIT?
  2. IIRC he had the HIV, then he didn't, then he did again but maybe not. Probably complications from that, no matter how it ends up being spun.
  3. Someone in Elk Grove Village isn't...
  4. Being stuck with a crappy neighbor is never good. I've lucked out to date, but the woman next door is 90 so who knows what the future holds.
  5. Does the Step Blacksteel come with the black finish on the bottom of the blade? I'm trying to determine if a set is new. Looks like the finish was removed, but they don't appear to have been sharpened or flat ground.
  6. Always easy to spot the MSHers in pics- look for the ones with matching gear....
  7. My favorite Nascar driver , Dick Trickle: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nascar-from-the-marbles/dick-trickle-former-nascar-driver-dead-self-inflicted-202844077.html
  8. How tragic, hope you make it through this ordeal unscathed...
  9. Just areas of mesh on the front of the pant.
  10. Thanks Chadd- How much of a difference is it feel wise? is it similar to say 1/2" to 3/8" or closer to 1/2" to 7/16"?
  11. I've just started using the 95/75 spinner on my own and a teamate's skates. We are both coming from 1/2" ROH. He felt as though there was a reduction in bite with the 95/75, but really liked the glide. With that said, he wants to buy a spinner for when I do his skates-would 100/50 or 100/75 be the best bet?
  12. How different will the fit profile of the RBZ skate be from the current CL?
  13. Save yourself the follow up visit and take out the stiches yourself.
  14. With four seperate tickets I'm guessing there were a few issues the OP let lapse...
  15. Mobil 1 synthetic ok, or is there a specific oil I should be using?
  16. So I put this off for as long as possible, and with my son and I both skating a ton between mites, our backyard rink and my men's team I bit the bullet and picked up a very lightly used X01. I saw mention of using mineral spirts to clean the spinners when needed- will this have any adverse effect on the bearing in the spinner? Also, is there a template or materials list for putting together the PVC vaccum attachment?
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/former-marine-charged-murder-american-sniper-052020338--abc-news-topstories.html Little more background about Chris in this one.
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