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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Monty22

  1. Thanks Pathfinder. They were made by VH Footwear.
  2. Really impressed with the fit so far. First pair of skates I can say that about since my One90's.
  3. Took my son camping for the first time this weekend and he had a blast. He jumped right in to gathering firewood, digging the latrine and "helping" me start the fire. I'm so blessed to have a 6 year old that loves the same things I do (at least for now anyway). We went with one of my buddies and his son. They are the same age and get along great. I've known Dave since kindergarten, and now our kids are friends. Makes me feel old, but not necessarily in a bad way.
  4. Truck bed liner would probably be more durable.
  5. Theodore "Dutch" VanKirk, Last surviving member of the Enola Gay crew http://news.yahoo.com/last-crew-member-enola-gay-dies-georgia-210637939.html
  6. I'm curious to see what helmets do well/poorly, specifically the different padding packages and suspension liners offered against say a traditional VN foam offering.
  7. As long as it's the ACJPRO model it should be the same.
  8. Very happy to see the Reebok 10K jock rebranded and available in North America. Most comfortable cup on the market by far.
  9. Couldn't they just mail you a new tongue to Velcro in?
  10. Looks like Tuuk Lightspeed Edge holders.
  11. I don't think Jack Edwards's family want Jack Edwards.....
  12. So he allegedly fell in your driveway (unwitnessed?) after being in a bar for several hours. Sounds legit......
  13. The tongues are attached with Velcro. If they don't offer thicker options it would be an easy mod.
  14. I'm curious about the lifespan of these . If I recall, there were a few MLX users complaining of the composites breaking down and "going soft". I wonder if the carbon "recipe " is the same on these. The exposed carbon on the toe concerns me a bit. Looks cool, but that area is subject to significant abuse.
  15. When did you buy them? They may be within the warranty period.
  16. You'll find lots of good info in this thread: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/42307-blackstone-flat-bottom-v-thread/ Practice on an old/discarded skate - ask at your rink or your teammates if you don't have an old pair to practice on. When you start to feel like you've got the hang of it do your own skates. The feedback you get using them will drive what adjustments you need to make to fine tune your process. A lot of it is feel. Practice, practice, practice.
  17. I think this goes in the "sweet spot " thread....
  18. The X-60 tongues my APX's came with were too thin and causing some discomfort. Just picked up these Easton Z-Air tongues, and seems to be a big improvement.
  19. As Chadd mentioned, I think the heel is visually more offensive than the orange trim. If the heel was black, the orange wouldn't seem as jarring as it does.
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