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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mojo122

  1. Being a huge fan of mesh gussets IMO the 1000 is much nicer than the 800.
  2. Nice addition of the 'skate line' laces. Will probably be popular for those non wax lace users.
  3. Fit wise there's no difference between the Mako II and M8.
  4. Unlace the right skate fully and see if you can see what is there? Not sure if you are describing the area of the top of the toebox or the side? Pain, especially sharp is a concern, even if minor on your scale.
  5. Get yourself some nice new white waxed laces to go with that shiny new holder!
  6. Congrats on passing the NREMT practical. When are you planning on taking the written? In any case, like I said before, you got this.
  7. Congratulations and good luck with the practical and written. You're part of MSH so I know you have this!
  8. He doesn't have to worry about his tendon guard breaking...
  9. Sorry, I stand corrected as I read someone's website wrong. Look's like junior sizes are not available.
  10. Step's Blacksteel is available in junior sizes.
  11. It's better if your class is in a building with an elevator. Board them, then stand them up in the elevator and send them to the ground floor.
  12. Bruins equipment sale at HockeyMonkey in Norwood on November 8th: http://bruins.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=735382
  13. Gonchar was an early Mako convert... The Mako is the refinement of the MLX skate. I'm waiting for the refinement of the VH skate.
  14. When it comes to skates CCM is a stronger competitor to Bauer than Easton and VH combined. There's a reason for Bauer's dominance and it's not their marketing.
  15. Goalie cut FBV http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/62142-goalie-skate-sharpening-issue/?p=946779
  16. Looking forward to checking those gloves out in person.
  17. No, The Re-Akt 100 is a new model in addition to the Re-Akt.
  18. Whatever happened to concept of a traditional (non-carbon) toecap becoming available? Going from the experiences of the Synergy 1500 I would pass on a skate with a carbon toe.
  19. How about a picture of the tendon guard from the back of the skate...
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