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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mojo122

  1. I'm just waiting to see what True's future or long term strategy is for this skate. Easton took the MLX skate, refined it, and then brought it to market as a high skate in the Mako. When wasn't selling they brought in a less expensive version of it, which was still unsuccessful. Agree that in it's current form that it's a niche skate targeting a narrow consumer market. The majority of adults are buying skates in the $300 to $500 range, which eliminates the the current True skate from their skate search.
  2. This has the hockey lineup: http://www.nbcolympics.com/tv-listings/hockey?day=8
  3. Profiling machines are becoming common place in the NHL. Which machine is being used usually comes down to the Equipment Manger's preference.
  4. Not a profiling expert but I currently skate on a 35/65, which is about a 13.5' radius. So 60mm of flat is probably closer to a 13' radius.
  5. When I used the inserts I never permanently attached them to the toecap as I wanted to be able to take them out, spray them, and let them dry outside of the boot. You could try it that way and see if it works for you.
  6. Cool yes, but not really a ringing endorsement for the machine if step 3 includes sharpening it manually.
  7. A few that I have seen crack were also the result of a rivet or rivets that were not sitting flush. As previously mentioned, all footbeds should be removed from the skate after skating. It amazes me that the majority of skaters do not take care of their equipment properly.
  8. From experience I'd disagree with your statement. I've been in my current skates for just under 2 years now. I rotate 2 sets of LS3 edge runners, skate 5 times a week, and remove my runners after every skate. The trigger mechanisms are just fine, although my holders look like they've been through WWIII. But this is the Sparx thread so let's keep discussing their sharpener.
  9. I find them to do just what they're intended to do. What is it that you would like to see?
  10. I've been using the app since late December. Some nice changes have been made and like that I can track shift times, speed, and heart rate shift to shift as well as totals for the entire skate.
  11. Except as a consumer when you ask for specifics on a so called "custom skate" you should get what you asked for. If for some reason they cannot be made to your exact specifications then I would expect to be notified of that prior to the skate being made to either accept the changes or cancel my order.
  12. The NLS line was a late summer, early fall release in 2016.
  13. Once you have the grinding wheel aligned why would you think that you need to readjust it?
  14. Not advocating for one machine over the other. Haven't tried the Sparx fire so I can't compare it to FBV, but I have skated on Z-Channel and felt it had identical glide to that of FBV, but less bite than FBV.
  15. ProSharp US has them listed as a Christmas special for $1490. Looks like you have to shell out another $150 for a carrying bag.
  16. Skates have historically been on a 2-year cycle, so sometime in 2018.
  17. Everyone goes through a rough stretch every now and then. Just ride it out and stick with it...
  18. Pat at Custom Pro Repair. http://www.customprorepair.com/
  19. True nor VH make holders. Holder is made by Step.
  20. What you have accomplished since you first started is truly amazing. It's nice that you have recorded your progress over the course of time.
  21. Would make sense that they consider the feasibility of a commercial grade machine. Once you have saturated the home sharpener market the sales of your units will drop. Of course they may be satisfied with just marketing their consumables, but a commercial grade machine might be a good sell to rinks. Especially complexes that have multiple sheets and attract tournaments. I know for a fact that a rink pro shop near me has several machines just to handle situations when 12 teams are playing at the same time.
  22. Hope you had a black car previously. Keeping it clean is a full time job!
  23. Do you happen to know how it profiles? Is it a template based system like ProSharp? ProSkate Balance does a great job of blade matching, but profiles only as a flat.
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