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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    NikeBauer One95
  • Hockey Bag
    Eagle Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 6070
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 7k Pro
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Franklin Pro Stocks
  • Helmet
    CCM Vector V08
  • Gloves
    Eagle PPF
  • Stick
    Easton Stealth S17, Warrior Dolomite Grip

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  1. i would love to see a toned down/less open BC01 or Gonchar Pro mirrored righty
  2. I've always had haglunds on my heels from skates, got my X60's made and those irrirated the crap out of them and they grew significantly worse. I bought a set of the bunga pads and haven't had a problem since, bumps are even smaller now than before
  3. actually had my pcs return the other day and had a few terrible days, I'm starting to feel a little bit better
  4. I got rear ended this morning that left me with two lumbar compression fractures... First game of the summer session is tonight and I'm stuck in bed in a brace for the next 8-10 weeks unable to work, play hockey, workout, or hold my nephew......
  5. I've been doing that for years, I knew I should have filed a patent for that.........
  6. Originally had my issues with mine start when I was about 13 had issues with them practically year round till I stopped competitive sports at around 21, I'll be 24 in two months and have finally been pain free for about a year or more...... Don't mess around with them, not fun to deal with at all
  7. Do I spy a ponytail in the 1st pic Zachary?????
  8. I tried on multiple pairs and found the closest size and then sent in my hand measurements and they got mine just about perfect off of that
  9. haha... I wouldn't call it brillance, just taking the time to sift through stuff to find what you want instead of ordering on impulse. With my palms I try to find the best combo of feel, grip an durabilty. Being able to add the digital overlay gives me that where I need it. I *knock on wood* won't ever have to fully repalm, if anything I'll only have to slap a new overlay on the right glove
  10. I can't exactly tell you what all they changed because I don't know the specific measurements of their gloves. Basically what I did was take measurements from a pair of warriors that I modified myself in the palm, fingers and gussets along with my hand measurements(longest finger and palm width)in with the spec sheet to DS. As for fit what I got is I believe the PPFi size then modded with the shorter finger length as well as specific gusset height and taper to the palm. Aesthetically they're just the plain navy tufftek with only the cuff roll logo which is stitched and the number on the thumb pack. I mod all my gloves to have nothing above the cuff roll so I had them done and I went with the digital overlay on the right because I like extra grip. Overall I'm very pleased with them. I got together with DS in early Dec and just received them today, but it was well worth the weight. For $260 and some change I got the exact glove I want made to the exact specs including fit, I think I got my moneys worth.....
  11. Big thanks to Darkstar for these... Lots of details for the fit of these gloves. I'm very detail oriented with the fit of my gloves and Eagle took care of me making these to the exact measurements of my hands.. As far as looks there's not to much going on, just a simple navy color with the white branding and number. Went MSH2 palms but had them put a digital overlay on the right
  12. My custom Eagles are taking forevvverrr..... I don't know how much loner my current mitts can hold on, I'm running out of material to stitch together to make something resemble a palm
  13. Recently started wearing Core Shorts, love them for the hips and legs but have a hard time keeping the boys in order and in a comfortable spot. Took a bomb to the seeds tonight and had my cup pinch a nut....... Oucccccchhhhhh
  14. Ice, Ice, Ice, and Ice..... Just healed from mine, I could barely walk when mine went. Iced it for 25-30 minutes then let the pack refreeze then repeat ad nauseum every free second I had for about a week will doing pt treatments with just stem and heat pad and after 2 1/2 weeks I was back on the ice with a pair of core shorts and after about 4 skates I'm back to 100%
  15. Finally starting to work my way back to 100% after a groin injury
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