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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. They do that in Michigan as well; you guys remember me posting about the Zamboni fire at Novi Ice Arena back in 2007? Well, there was a problem afterwards; one of the parents had her keys inside the arena and couldn't get them as everyone evacuated. The fire department wouldn't go in to get them for her but some employees snuck in and essentially risked their lives (visibility was like 5 ft due to the smoke) to get her car keys back, that were just hanging on a hook at the front desk.
  2. Okay, so you're a rink employee. Knowing that helps us not be confused. If you look back you'd understand why we were.
  3. So you don't pay because you tip? You'd rather pay the guy for sharpening but not pay the shop? I'm sure the guy doesn't pay for the supplies from his tip money. **jsykes, was wondering the same thing.
  4. You don't do on-the-spot sharpenings during a tournament? That's when you park two employees on each wheel and tell them that is all they are doing that day. In all seriousness, in all of the years I've sharpened skates, I've never bumped anyone ahead of the other person UNLESS the other person agrees to it. I've had people ask, and if those people ahead of them are present, I will ask those people if it is ok. You will be surprised that with the right tone of voice and courtesy, if there's an extenuating circumstance, they just might allow it.
  5. sdcopp is LTRing the CA9 for us. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/59452-alkali-hockey-ca9-skate/
  6. That was the response I always gave; "So you're asking me to jump ahead of these people...what if you were one of those people? Would you like that?" Usually met with silence.
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