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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. That died out 2 years ago.
  2. Sample...we'll see if it will come to reality
  3. I've had them ship LS3, not sure why they haven't for you.
  4. 1139 downloads

    2011 Warrior Holiday Catalogue
  5. I've been noticing a rash of "pictures upon request" when posting up a sale topic. Please refrain from that. Get your ducks in a row and post all pertinent info when you start up the topic, and that includes pictures.
  6. Ha, that happened to me once. Dad haggled me on $100 skates and when I didn't budge, dropped the Centurion to pay.
  7. Yes. The more you buy, the greater a discount you get. That is why you can't judge a store from a superstore...the store is paying more than the superstore for the exact same product. The gap is bridged in the higher-end market; everything is MAP'd at that level, every manufacturer. But small stores still have to mark up to match the profit margin the e-tailer is getting, which is why you see the disparity in pricing. Some manufacturers don't even allow you to have a chance to buy the product if you don't come in at a certain account tier. But then again, especially on the skate side, once you factor in the time to get the product (instant instead of 3 days), the fitting, the sharpening, the baking...it essentially SHOULD be a wash. If a store is selling for MUCH more than that, then that's a problem.
  8. One of the stores I worked for used to mark up most of their items 10%. The stuff that was MAP'd wasn't, and they called it "Sale - lowest advertised price." The way it worked was if you asked for a discount, they'd give you a 10% discount on the non-"sale" items, so they never dipped past their proper margin if they gave out a discount. For those who didn't ask for a discount at all, they made 10% extra off of them. Some knew the game, but most didn't. But it was at the point that your known customers didn't even have to ask; they figured the game out and they just got the 10% by default, even going as far as calling it "their" discount. Never really made up my mind on how I felt about it. It's sneaky in a way, but smart in another. My take on the whole discount thing is that you will condition your clientele to expect a discount every time they come in your store. Same thing with blowout sales; the LHS in this town does a horrible job of buying, and the clientele expects a blowout sale every year. So, they hold off on purchasing anything until it is blown out.
  9. Happens more often than you think...those people generally have no qualms with asking for a discount everywhere they go.
  10. Yeah, why invest that in into a Wissota when you can just get an X01...
  11. it's not a conversion kit...it is a standalone dresser.
  12. With a Blackstone magnetic dresser, you can. LHS in town has a Mag-75 they use on a Blademaster.
  13. THere are companies who do check approvals over the phone. We used Telecheck at my stores in MI. It scanned the check and let you know if it was approved - if so, you write down the approval number and take the check.
  14. Something happened to the /uploads folder on MSH and now we've lost every set of pictures from our events, except for SummerJam 3.
  15. You shouldn't dry jerseys... Find a place with a heat press and they should be able to repress, or get it sewn.
  16. Please do not solicit items in your signature.
  17. Enjoy! Those will be my last custom fitting going forward.
  18. The second number corresponds to the edge height - so 50 would mean shorter edge, resulting in less bite.
  19. 2070 downloads

    2011 Bauer Holiday Catalogue
  20. 1174 downloads

    2011 Reebok Holiday Catalogue
  21. Bubba Smith http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/08/bubba-smith-death-no-signs-of-foul-play-police-say.html
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