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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Birthday 01/11/1987

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  1. I'm 6 foot tall, 230 lbs and using UCLP XL+1. I also have HP35's in XL (+0) and the 35's are clearly shorter so I'm not sure I believe that the CL's run short. My CL's are +1 and they look like they are 1" longer than my 35's. Id be leaning more towards saying they all fit similar in length. I bought XL +1 in the CL's because I read they ran short and about an inch shorter than the HP35's.. Apparently not though. I can still use XL+1 in the CL's, I just prefer a shorter pant that sits at the top of my shin pads when I'm standing straight up - Instead of middle of the knee. It's all just personal preference I guess.
  2. Starting to settle on my gear finally! Helmet: Bauer 4500 + VR903 Shoulders: CCM U+ Pro or Steeden padded shirt (Rugby padded shirt) Pants: CCM HP35 Pro Stock Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Elbow: CCM QuickLite Gloves: *Retail; Bauer 1X Pro. *Pro stock; Bauer MX3, CCM HG12 and CCM HG50XP Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X + Superfeet + Powerfoot Inserts Cup: CCM Pro Jock Lowers: CCM Performance loose fit pants Uppers: Bauer Training Shirt - Short Sleeve Bag: Warrior Pro Sticks in use: I'm taking a break from P28 style toe curves, I'm also back to using shorter sticks and going back to basic blade patterns. It feels good going back to basics. Warrior Alpha QA/85 flex/W03/Retail height. Bauer 1S/87 flex/P88/Retail height. *Previous sticks now taking a holiday* Bauer 1S/77flex/P28/retail length +2" plug. Euro "17 Bauer 1S/87flex/P28/retail length +2" plug. CCM Reckoner Pro Stock/LK-no ribs/85flex/H11A/retail length +2.5" plug. Euro Bauer 1S/95flex/P88/retail length +3" plug. CCM Reckoner pro stock (LK-no rib, 90flex Kreps), CCM Super Tacks (85flex, P29), True 5.2 (95flex, TC3 and TC4).
  3. Couple of updates in the last 12 months of experimentation and refinement. Not much left untouched! Lots of changes to sticks thanks to playing around with stick length. Went from short/medium length (between clavicle and chin on skates) to medium/long sticks up to my lips or nose on skates. Trying out dropping a flex this year too. Still can't settle on a blade pattern :'( Helmets: Bauer 4500 + VR903 (CCM Resistance for casual and coaching only) Shoulders: CCM U+ Pro and Bauer Pro Stock - Model: 1040585 Pants: Bauer Nexus 1N (CCM HP35's are on holiday) Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Elbow: CCM QuickLite (Ultra Tacks are collecting dust on the shelf) Gloves: CCM HG12 and CCM HG50XP (Bauer 1N's are on holiday) Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X + Superfeet + Powerfoot Inserts Cup: CCM Pro Jock (Same as Reebok 10k Pro) Lowers: CCM Performance loose fit pants (Out with the compression pant/jock combo) Uppers: Bauer Training Shirt - Short Sleeve (Out with the long sleeve shirt) Bag: Warrior Pro Sticks in use: Bauer 1S/77flex/P28/retail length +2" plug. Euro "17 Bauer 1S/87flex/P28/retail length +2" plug. CCM Reckoner Pro Stock/LK-no ribs/85flex/H11A/retail length +2.5" plug. Euro Bauer 1S/95flex/P88/retail length +3" plug. *On holiday* CCM Reckoner pro stock (LK-no rib, 90flex Kreps), CCM Super Tacks (85flex, P29), True 5.2 (95flex, TC3 and TC4)
  4. Can anyone tell me if I need to drill any new holes if I swap between chassis? (or do the holes line up across the different brands?) I have some Hi-Lo's but looking to try out Hummers/Alkali/CCM chassis but want to know if I'll keep the option to swap back if I don't like them. Boot is Vapor 1X 8.5EE.
  5. So I'm considering the switch to VH from Vapor 1X. I did a search but couldn't find what I was after.. Do those of you who use Superfeet (yellow) specify this when you order and do you still use them now? I'm just curious if there are considerations made for them when you send your measurements in or if the VH process removes the need for that heel support/lift you get from superfeet. I've been using superfeet for a very long time and every time I go without them I just don't feel right.
  6. *Update* Helmets: CCM Resistance and Bauer 4500 + VR903 Shoulders: CCM U+ Pro and Bauer Pro Stock - Model: 1040585 Pants: CCM HP35 Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Elbow: CCM Ultra Tacks Gloves: *New* Bauer 1N (Out with the True XC9’s, didn’t like them too much - They will be my outdoor/dryland/loan gloves now) Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X + Superfeet + Powerfoot Inserts Cup/Lowers: CCM Compression pants Uppers: Under Armour long sleeve w/grip Bag: Warrior Pro Sticks in use: *New* 2x CCM Reckoner pro stock (LK-no rib, 90flex Kreps and 85flex H11A), CCM Super Tacks (85flex, P29), True 5.2 (95flex, TC3)
  7. Thanks for the info I'm trying to decide if the D width will be alright for me. I use yellow superfeet and powerfoot inserts as well if that means anything. I've read a couple of reviews where people have said the boots seem to run a little short so they are suggesting people go up a half size? Have you heard anything like this?
  8. Couple of new pickups, Helmet: Switching between CCM Resistance and Bauer 4500 + VR903 (pro stocks) *New* Shoulders: Switching between CCM U+ Pro and Bauer Pro Stock - Model: 1040585 *New* Pants: CCM HP35 (Pro Stock) Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Elbow: CCM Ultra Tacks Gloves: True XC9 *New* Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X + Superfeet + Powerfoot Inserts Cup/Lowers: CCM Compression pants Uppers: Under Armour long sleeve w/grip *New* Bag: Warrior Pro Sticks: *New*CCM Super Tacks (85flex, P29) and Bauer 1N (95flex, P14), Bauer 1N (87flex, P28), True 5.2 (95flex, TC3)
  9. I want to know this too. I'm in a 8.5EE in the 1X, not sure what size I should order in the Super Tacks? 8.5EE in the 1X is a very snug fit for me in all aspects. Ps. Similar situation to some, I live no where near somewhere that stocks CCM. 6+ hours drive at least.
  10. It's a bit confusing. Only thing I can think of is they might have different styles released for US, CAN, Europe? Personally I think the white outline on black lettering on a black glove looks rubbish.
  11. Has anyone noticed the 1N gloves seem to be slightly different on some sites? I'm talking about the "black" colour way in particular. Half the pics I see for it has black embroidered "Bauer" logo on the cuff with a white outline, others have White letters with Black outline.. Which one is actually being released to the public?? The catalog doesn't show any with full white lettering with the black gloves. See below; http://www.thehockeyshop.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/a/bauer1nglove.jpg http://ep.yimg.com/ay/hockeymonkey/bauer-nexus-1n-sr-hockey-gloves-1.jpg Icewarehouse also lists/shows the Black cuff with full white lettering.
  12. Helmet: Bauer 4500 + VR903 Pro Stock **New**Shoulders: Bauer Pro Stock - Model: 1040585 (Old: CCM CL's - still have/use) Pants: CCM HP35 Pro Stock Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Elbow: CCM Ultra Tacks Gloves: Warrior AX1 w/digi palms Pro Stock **New**Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X + Superfeet + Powerfoot Inserts (Old: Bauer Supreme MX3's - Sold) Cup/Lowers: CCM Compression Hockey Jock Pant (long) Uppers: Skins A400 (short sleeve) Bag: Warrior Pro Sticks: Using: True 5.2 (95flex, TC3) CCM 40k (85flex, P29) CCM Tacks (95flex, P29) Bauer 1N (87flex, P28) Not using: CCM Superfast (85flex, P6) Bauer 1X (87flex, P14) Wish list: Looking at the CCM Resistance helmets, CCM SuperTacks sticks, Pro stock gloves: APX2, 1X and CCM HGTKPP (Tacks), a second pair of HP35 pants or maybe some Warrior Franchise pants
  13. Why not offer all of the standard blade patterns but with the option to max out the height or a tall version? Eg like the pro stock P29M, P28M etc :)
  14. Any word on why the TC3 blade pattern was discontinued? Will it available for custom orders?
  15. Spotted them too and I think I'm possibly more impressed!!
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