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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About VakarLajos

  • Birthday 02/08/1982


  • Skates
    NBH Vapor XXX, Vapor XXXX
  • Shin Pads
    NikeBauer Pro Lightspeed
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer 3000
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sher-Wood 5030
  • Pants
    Ballistik .52 Cal
  • Helmet
    NBH 5100, Bauer 4500 w/HS22 straight visor.
  • Gloves
    NBH Vapor XXX, S17, Torspo Surge 150,
  • Stick
    S19 Iginla, Z-Bubble p106, AK-27 shaft

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey, sushi, the ruckus.
  • Location
    Arlington, VA
  • Gender

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  1. As per the request for no selling, I'll start another thread for nitinol.
  2. Jersey from ebay. listed as XL, more like a M Nitinol blades. Flash was on. Kind of a matte finish.
  3. A holder, a level horizontal wheel and a way to dress it. I'm sure it can be done. Positive. Probably cost a bunch and take a LONG time to get right. Best of luck.
  4. Update Helmets: Bauer 5000 w/cage, Nike 4000 w/Bauer HS22 Straight Cut Shoulders : Sherwood 5030 Elbow: Bauer Supreme 2000, Itech 655 Pants: Nike Bauer Vapor XXX, Ballistik .52 Cal Shin Pads: NBH Pro Lightspeed, Sherwood 5030 Gloves: Bauer Vapor XXX Blue & Red, Bauer Vapor XXX Black & Red (2 pair), Torspo 150, Easton S19 Skates: Bauer XXX, Nike Bauer XXXX Sticks: Easton ST Forsberg, Easton Stealth CNT Forsberg, Easton Z-Bubble w/Bauer One90 p106 wood blades. Bauer One90 PM9
  5. Technology is still there. There will be a U+ Octogun coming out.... held one today. the OctoGun part seemed thinner and subtler than the other models I had seen. Didn't get to shoot with it though.
  6. the fact that the "washout" was only on one edge makes me think it was a bad sharpening. could be wrong though.
  7. I asked Bauer customs dept about that and the rep said that they will not be available for custom until Dec 1. This was a few weeks ago. I have to ask her a few things, but the woman I usually deal with is on vacation, so I'll ask her Monday.
  8. One95s have a stock C width, the x60s will not.
  9. I need to get me a back-up pair of steel. I'm skating on nitinol blades which uses a different wheel. My players like the FBV, but I can't try it out yet b/c of my blades. farking eye.
  10. It took FOREVER to get the Lube Tube working. changed the dauber a few times. Had to smack it a bunch to get even a drop on the blade. Finish is MUCH better now.
  11. all mine came marked except the 1/2, which was on the machine when I got it. I had a 3/8, 5/8, 100/70, & 90/70. One problem I had initially was that the screw was putting too much pressure on the spinners so when I went to dress it it wouldn't spin. Blackstone was really helpful. I had to clamp down part of the screw to alleviate the pressure from the spring. After a while it worked out. It's taking a bit to get used to the diminished counter space especially with some size 13 Grafs!! Right now I haven't had too much time to get the boys used to the FBV so hopefully this weekend I will be able to talk to some of them and get them trying it out. Good returns on the 1/2, 5/8, and 3/8 so far though.
  12. I concur. Also noticed it's still "NikeBauer".
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