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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by DCott

  1. + throwing knife for long range if they're any good
  2. I'd have to say my favorite perk in this game is scrambler...people haven't realized yet how awful it is. I'm on PSN as Rickety__Cricket if anyone wants to add me.
  3. 10-page final project for this BS class I'm taking is due today at 12:50pm. I started at 11:15 and just finished...I win.
  4. Surprised how little controversey this game has stirred up, considering how politically incorrect some of the missions are (I won't spoil them). There is even a warning at the beginning of single player.
  5. New Sentry 2 Pro gloves from GM: EDIT: There was a goalie "Show-it-off" thread...are we still using it?
  6. Bergeron finally looks like he may be stepping it up offensively.
  7. The board has a re-size feature, but it takes a second to kick in (I think it waits for the pics to load fully), so if you have a slow connection, the pics appear ginormous for a time, then re-size if they don't freeze your browser.
  8. Isn't that the old (pre NBH) bauer logo?
  9. Typical Warrior Hockey. Montreal 9000 (foam core) goal sticks used to be $80-90 USD. Now they are called the Swagger and cost $115.
  10. U+09 replaces 2008 V08 U+ Pro replaces 2008 U+
  11. They are warrior's attempt to copy his eastons
  12. patience and a heat gun, that's how I got my maniac blade out.
  13. That was Modano's stick right, Drew?
  14. the inno "maniac" was an SMU for Pure Hockey. I have also heard it's a dolomite with different graphics
  15. glad you like them. I sold you those, correct?
  16. how are the Graf gloves treating you?
  17. the rocker wasn't a bust. it was a solid transition from ice to roller, and got a lot of ice guys into Bauer roller. to the true inline guys, anything but 4 wheels on the floor is foreign, and therefore sucks.
  18. bust or not that black steel is the shit
  19. What goalie sticks? :) oooo low blow to Toivonen
  20. they look good, though
  21. holy smokes! are those holders dyed or really black?
  22. He said they weren't before. Retails that just aren't out yet.
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