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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by DCott

  1. My LSH's sharpeners are weak, so I need to check that the wheel was centered. If it wasn't (this has happened 3 times now), one edge will be sharper than the other. They always use my Rocket Runners as an excuse.
  2. + throwing knife for long range if they're any good
  3. I'd have to say my favorite perk in this game is scrambler...people haven't realized yet how awful it is. I'm on PSN as Rickety__Cricket if anyone wants to add me.
  4. 10-page final project for this BS class I'm taking is due today at 12:50pm. I started at 11:15 and just finished...I win.
  5. Surprised how little controversey this game has stirred up, considering how politically incorrect some of the missions are (I won't spoil them). There is even a warning at the beginning of single player.
  6. New Sentry 2 Pro gloves from GM: EDIT: There was a goalie "Show-it-off" thread...are we still using it?
  7. Bergeron finally looks like he may be stepping it up offensively.
  8. The board has a re-size feature, but it takes a second to kick in (I think it waits for the pics to load fully), so if you have a slow connection, the pics appear ginormous for a time, then re-size if they don't freeze your browser.
  9. Isn't that the old (pre NBH) bauer logo?
  10. As stated before, I am a little apprehensive about the amount of exposed forearm left by my C/A. I haven't been hit there **yet** but I let my brother borrow the C/A and he got hhit in the arm his second time using this C/A. So I decided to try and add some forearm/wrist protection. First, I had some old Louisville Flexor elbow pads lying around that I don't use. Here is what they looked like before I went to town on them: I took the bicep part off the pad, removed one of the plastic parts, cut off some unneeded foam, and put adhesive velcro on both sides. Since I don't use that velcro strap at the wrist part of the C/A (it sits too high on the arm), I decided to stick this new pad in between the velcro and the unused strap of the C/A, which is flipped over instead of wrapped around the arm. The finished product: This mod gives me 3-4" of extra coverage, it should protect me from slashes, but will probably be just mediocre for direct shots. There is already a velcro strap on the pad, so it wraps around nicely, and isn't very bulky, so I don't see it interfering with the gloves too much. I'll have to try them once or twice before I decide if I'll ditch them (This is why I velcroed them instead of sewing).
  11. I've had my Brown 2000 C/A for a while now, and the arms just don't sit right. In addition to being too short and exposing too much forearm (see my next mod), the elbow cups are too far down the arm for me. So I decided to attach some new tabs through which I can run the velcro straps through. Here is a step by step: Before: How it looks with the elbow cup removed: I sewed in two tabs by hand further up each arm. This allows me to place the elbow higher up on the arm. Got the tabs from an old pair of thigh boards I don't use anymore. Left the old tabs there in case I decide to move them back to the original position. After (everything put back in): After doing this, I am able to wear the arm straps looser without the whole thing sliding down and out of place. Before I had to yank those straps real tight to get it to stay on my elbow, restricting mobility. The C/A fits much better now. Next up, adding wrist protection with Frankensteined elbow pads...
  12. Typical Warrior Hockey. Montreal 9000 (foam core) goal sticks used to be $80-90 USD. Now they are called the Swagger and cost $115.
  13. U+09 replaces 2008 V08 U+ Pro replaces 2008 U+
  14. They are warrior's attempt to copy his eastons
  15. this is the goalie gear thread. post your gear here: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...?showtopic=4621
  16. patience and a heat gun, that's how I got my maniac blade out.
  17. That was Modano's stick right, Drew?
  18. An LHS near me has pro spec Bionics. I believe they are SMU's, and are like crossovers between Bionic ans Summit.
  19. Updated Pics: New(ish) Summit 5's, XCEED glove, Blockade Blocker New (to me) Brown 2000 New RBK Sr's
  20. the inno "maniac" was an SMU for Pure Hockey. I have also heard it's a dolomite with different graphics
  21. Yeah it's me...I'm getting back between the pipes where I belong. Those pads are sick, but if you're living in NYC no one is going to appreciate them.
  22. What happened to the Curry pads, Ron?
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