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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Krev

  1. A large thank you to Darkstar for helping me out, once again. Both times with Eagle. DS, you rock.
  2. Those are pretty cool. Nice job.
  3. Taking a look at this '88 FZR 400 on Sunday. 20k miles, been babied, and is priced just right.
  4. First ACHA game for me as a referee. Was pretty exciting, to say the least.
  5. Those are awesome.
  6. Glad you finally got one for yourself. Looks like it's in great shape, considering its age.
  7. Knew that was going to nib me.
  8. Seriously? Obviously you can't divulge the finer details, but is there anything worth mentioning?
  9. Pretty sure JR said those are prototype skates, and not the final design, if my memory serves me correctly.
  10. Picked up an original Modano Dolomite. Handle tape job still present, blade is bare. Brings the overall total to 10.
  11. Just added the Modano Dolo Spyne to my stick collection today. Still has his tape job on the handle and blade.
  12. Better to do it and not wonder 'what if' years down the road.
  13. Grats on the opportunity. Boeing has their own 'league' out of Kingsgate, by the by.
  14. The Kariya pro is an awesome curve.
  15. I think I recognize those pants...
  16. Start of season update: Helmet: Bauer 4500 w/ Oakley Pro Straight Shoulder: Warrior Franchise Elbows: Jofa 9144 Pro Pants: Easton ST16 Shins: Jofa 6090 Pro Skates: MLX Gloves: Easton 800 Pro Custom Sticks: Easton RS
  17. They are probably long gone.
  18. End of summer update: Helmet: Bauer 4500 w/ Oakley Pro Straight Shoulder: Nike V10 Elbows: Jofa 9144 Pro Pants: Easton ST16 Shins: Jofa 6090 Pro Skates: MLX Gloves: Easton 800 Pro Custom Sticks: BASE BM09 Savoy Custom
  19. It's a little more tacky, same as his other sticks. The retail grip was something special, though.
  20. that's an artifact...awesome though. Definitely an artifact. Yup. Brand spanking new, never cut, not a scratch on the blade.
  21. Christmas came early this year. A very very HUGE thank you to DolomaticDangles for picking up the stick and shipping it to me. You are awesome.
  22. That's what I'm hoping for. I'm a fairly short player, so cut down to my usual length I'm expecting it to be in the 80 to 82 range as opposed to the 85 to 87 range I get with other sticks.
  23. Got me a new stick to try out. BASE Savoy 75 Flex Grip BM09 Curve Matte Finish I'm excited to see how it performs on the ice. If all goes well I may have found the manufacture to do customs for me.
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