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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jds

  1. City decided to change the signs on the street in front of my office where I have been parking for the last 15 years or so. Parked there yesterday, in fact. Ended up with a ticket today. I got a ticket for GOING TO WORK!
  2. Knew a girl in college who for two years thought the Law and Security program was "Lawn Security".
  3. I just don't get how some people can judge other people and then be that offensive to them and nobody does anything about it. The world would be a better place if people stood up for each other and made the dicks the ones who feel ostracized. Nothing I hate more than bullies. Okay, stupid bullies.
  4. My friend, who happens to be gay, is in a local bar with a friend for dinner. A table of about five guys are going on and on about how "faggots should be killed" etc etc. They have no clue. My friendpolitely asks them to stop using the word and one of them comes over to my friend and sticks his face inches from his face and screams at him that he and his kind should be killed and how he will shut him up if he comes outside and all the usual bullshit bravado stuff. Goes on for a full minute. The guy is screaming this vitriole.The losers leave. NOT A SINGLE PERSON IN THE BAR DID A THING INCLUDING THE STAFF. Nice world we live in.
  5. Hi, this is Canada. I heard you called. Come on in, eh! Seriously, I need a passport to go to the States so I would think you need one. Can you not get it fastracked. I know up here we can get them in an emergency in a day or two and even up to two weeks for less than serious emergencies. Of course, it also rains free health care up here so I'm not sure what the rules are for you guys going the other way. I would think they would want all the US citizens to return and want to keep the socialist Canadian up here :) Good luck. PS I hate border guards so I'll hold his arms.
  6. Started playing hockey at age 43 and it shows. Still love it and it shows.

  7. Watching the World Cup. Marvel at the skill but I just can't stand watching these guys flop around like a bunch of pussies when someone touches their shin. I get trying to draw a penalty but this shit is shameless and the refs are suckers.
  8. Waiting at an intersection behind two vehicles as we let a funeral procession have the right of way turning left in front of us. Loser behind me can't stand to wait so he pulls around us into the oncoming lane and proceeds to bully his way through the funeral procession. Classy.
  9. I like the understated graphics-I wish they would do the same for the names of some of these sticks. Hard to feel serious when inquiring at the LHS about the "Bandito" , "Vandal" or "Swizzle" while fending off two kids who are yanking at my pants asking when we can go get ice cream.As forty+ year-old I am definitely not in Warrior's target demographic. ALL HAIL middle age!
  10. Most car alarms have an option to turn the horn beep off when activating the alarm. Please use it. I don't need to know your car is locked at 3am or jump out of my skin when standing beside your freshly locked vehicle.
  11. I normally wear a 16" but with the 8K I wear a 14" and I flop.
  12. I like the way you think! I have a friend from hockey who is a Toronto cop and he mentioned that none of these anti-government anarchists refused the government funded medical aid or legal aid after being arrested.Some were even complaining about the conditions in the makeshift "jail" used for these clowns.
  13. Not my gig tonight but I did shoot a demo of the baby t-rex that visited a school a week or so ago. Thought it would be cheesy but was really impressed with how lifelike it was. Even flinched when it lunged at me and I KNEW there was a guy inside. I'd like to see the show with the big ass dinos in it.
  14. Yeah but they were on sale! And my 8k elbows that I impulsed bought needed a mate.
  15. Waiting to check out of the hotel and there is a long line up. Decide to kill some time by browsing at a National Sports across the street. Pick up a pair of RBK 8k shins for 8o buck marked down from $170. Back to the hotel. No line.
  16. Sorry. Forgot the quote. I'm talking about JOFA gear.
  17. Where can you buy these? I never see them in any stores on online retailers. Strictly e-bay?
  18. I saw these while surfing. They look hard to apply but for 23 bucks it's worth a shot. How difficult was it to apply? How long did it take to get it shipped? I was thinking of designing one to wrap a cheap wood stick with to use as a trophy or award for my league for various MVP etc awards. Sort of different from a plaque etc
  19. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hock...article1389554/
  20. FBV getting attention in mainstream media http://www.thespec.com/Sports/article/515417
  21. Just want to jump on the bandwagon. Got a 90/75 yesterday skated for the first time today. Smooth as silk and tons of glide. I'm a pretty shitty skater but I was noticeably faster and my edges were amazing. My skate boot was touching the ice numerous times on tight turns and I felt like I had tons more bite left. Although I normally use a 1/2" ROH on my One 90's I had a 7/16 on these particular skates because they seemed to slide out at 1/2". Obvioulsy, I gave up some glide this way but with the FBV I have more of both. Unfortunately, once everyone else catches on to FBV I will go back to being the slug on the ice. Please let me know when the technology is there for shot accuracy so I can buy that performance too LOL
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