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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey all, looking for a pair of 3x pros size 9 fit 3. Would rather buy from someone who owns a a local shop then support a big box store
  2. Ya same it depends on the show and brand ect .. that’s why I thought getting my scan done would Solve my lack of skate fit knowledge
  3. apologies in advance if this was covered i searched and didn't see anything. but how accurate is this? i got scanned on friday and thought he said i was a size 9 fit 3 ( the fit 3) is right as i always had wide feet lol.. but i just looked at the scan data that was sent to me and it says 8? it was new years and i was in a kinda in a rush but last time i was fitted was 2005 at great skate in buffalo ny( which is anything but great if you ask around) im just finding it hard to believe that they could of of been that off with my fit? a service that i had to pay for nonetheless?
  4. Thanks the issue I ran into today is both pure hockey stores in Buffalo are all out of wife ccm skates so I can’t even try them to compare which isn’t ideal . and only have top end Bauer left in fit 3
  5. These still up for sale?
  6. Ok so I went and got scanned and they say I’m a size 9 in a fit 3. I have very wide feet. They only had the highest supremes in my size (999.00) I only skate 2-3 times a weak and can’t really justify that skate. So I asked how my fit translates to ccm and the fit guy basically said don’t bother they won’t fit me right? Is this correct or was he just pushing the high end skate cause that’s the only one that they had in my fit. (they did fit amazing) tho
  7. I will when I get home. The people are pure hockey made me grab them out of my car . They had a young kid working that my skates were older then lol
  8. my last pair of skates for Vapor XXX's ( wide) looking to start skating again the kid started playing and is real into it. figure im spending so much time at the rink why not start playing again. closest LHS store is pure hockey... looked online at skates after 14 ish years and have zero idead where to start or even what the fits mean anymore.. .. insight where to look or how to go about getting a new set of wheels? feel like a fish out of water as this point. ty!
  9. Where would one find a pair of those red and white Easton
  10. They have about 10 pais of there new colored gloves and a basket of the edge socks for sale and the arena as of today
  11. Can someone please post the link to tsr home Page eBay store please
  12. those are amazing nice pick up
  13. Helmet= Bauer 4500 with oakley visor Shoulder= bauer XXXX Elbow=n/a shins= bauer one55 Pants= bauer 800 skates= XXXX gloves bauer 4-roll sticks= all broke gotta buy new ones
  14. Where did you get the sabres gloves from?
  15. if you dont end up buying them i will!
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