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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Hockey Coaching and Game Strategy, Equipment
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    Michigan, USA
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  1. Do you still like these.. wondering if they were a special build as I don't see on their site. My son has occasional groin issues & wondering if moving to something like this would help. Doesn't look like they wrap under the groin area though. How did you determine the right size? The issue is, he doesn't like the garterstraps & cup thing... just tried some Zenkai hockey compression shorts but the cup pouch was an afterthought as it pushes cup between thighs and uncomfortable. His CCM jock compression doesn't compress that much and cup moves all over. So still looking for options. Can't seem to find a good option that checks all the boxes.
  2. My son just picked up the UltraSonic Supremes (w/stock Q0 blade). He will be skating on them in a day or so, fingers crossed he can keep the speed and agility he had with the Mako II's he has been using for years with great success. He tried the Vapor 2X pros, they were very similar fit to the Ultrasonics with FIT1 sizing (I know the FIT 1 is supposed to be the Vapor Fit and it pretty much was but not exactly, couple slight differences) but the Supremes just felt perfect for him & the Vapors had a touch more wiggle room in toebox and just a bit less snug. Interestingly, he skated in a 9 in the Mako's (admittedly probably a half size too big but worked well) and fit into a 7.5 Vapor 2X Pro, but in the UltraSonics, size 8 felt best. He put his usual 5/8 hollow on them but wondering if now is the time to switch to FBV (don't want to throw too many variables at once and he's gonna be playing in Canada so don't want him to be searching for FBV even-though the team EQ manager probably has the capability, I would think).
  3. Same boat - son has been absolutely speedy playing AAA in Mako 2's but now needing to switch for Junior A want to keep the speed. Previously bought a pair of Trues thinking they would have aspects of the Mako. NOT - nothing is like a Mako, people were commenting about "whats wrong with his skating" when he switched to the Trues ... yikes, went back to Makos ASAP but now cant find them anymore...real bummer as he just flys in Makos. Trues are bulkier and bigger all around - yes more protective than Makos but I wouldn't call Trues a speed skate or having Mako qualities. But then again not every player is trying to go that fast. Just wondering whats skate is gonna work? I would liken Makos to a Formula 1 & Trues to Nascar
  4. those are interesting ... they look like an evolution of the Mako2 with some possible improvements. The quarter package on the 2 gets cut and torn.. this would solve that. It looks like a possible Mako 3 prototype but hard to tell without seeing more pics and knowing if shell is carbon fiber or other.
  5. Son #2 is a 10.5 in sneakers. Uses a size 9 Mako. Son #1 is a size 12.5-13 in sneakers. Uses a size 11 Mako. Ordered from Facebook, Montreal guy (used to be a Mako rep).. received my skates no problem (although had to drive to across border to a UPS Store in Windsor to pickup as he wasn’t comfortable shipping Canada Post to USA ... no big deal for me). He’s trustworthy.
  6. Tried to do this without success. Blade pitch, spacers between holder and heel, even so far as to cutting slits in the tendon guard ribs for more rearward flexion (don’t do this). Nothing really worked. Just a different skate... stiffer, heavier. I personally gave up on the notion of the True ever “feeling like a Mako” just because they share some common origin.
  7. Big thanks to althoma1 for the heads up. Thanks a million 👍👍👍👍👍
  8. Anyone have a shipping (receiving) contact in Windsor ON as to not run into any customs hassles ...lol maybe spitfires eq manager .. JR?
  9. My story was: Son loves his Makos and does quite well with them agility and speed wise. Thinking the Trues would be “similar”, got a pair and he just didn’t perform even close to the Makos. The Trues are great skates but not in our situation. I am looking for alternatives but nothing jumps out... I guess I can cross Bauer 1S’s off my list ...lol No doubt, this post will get a bunch of “Trues are just fine... you don’t know what you are talking about...” responses -but- in my case, it just didn’t work. I am hoping to get him back on the Trues for a couple open ice skates and see if we can’t get used to them. They are probably the most comfortable skate he has been in though. I just think the Makos has a great balance between stiffness and flexibility to really allow a more natural skating motion. I was totally skeptical of them at first but noticed and immediate and obvious speed and skating improvement.
  10. I feel your pain as my son is pretty dependent on the Makos now ...lol ... will let you know if I find anything. Q: Give me your feedback on the M8’s vs MakoII. Any negatives re performance, durability, fit, feel? How he performs in Them?
  11. Discovered they are a low end M3 skate... maybe something they never produced.
  12. Hey, thanks a lot for forwarding the info.. Intriguing but would be worried they are unfinished or a bit odd since they are experimental.. I wonder how similar to Mako 2’s? I will contact the guy and ask. Thanks again. 👍👍👍
  13. Cool.. it is amazing how different people adapt. My son said he was bummed the Trues felt more “clunky” because they were incredibly comfortable. Maybe it’s just him. He also prides himself on his speed so he didn’t want anything that felt slower (to him). Maybe it’s just a time/getting used to them thing?
  14. The Trues we own don’t have a comfort edge but it hasn’t been a problem. True might add a custom edge for you?? The Bauer’s I’ve seen most people skate in seem to not wrap the ankle and have some space between above ankle and boot ... if the boot isn’t form fit well there can be some play and the leg/ankle slops around hitting the boot upper edge. Not sure if that’s the case but if the boot is form fit well, doesn’t seem the boot upper edge should be a problem.
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