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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Benz, are those Shanny Vapor XXX pro stocks?
  2. Will they put MSH2 palms on other gloves at all, or just Eagle?
  3. Do you know if FixItByMail does MSH2 gussets?
  4. Helmet - Mission Intake with Itech Concept II Deluxe Shoulders - Bauer 4500 Elbows - Easton Synergy Gloves - Easton pro stock 4-rolls (2 pairs) Pants - Tackla Air 5000 Shins - Jofa 9080 Skates - Kor Shift 1's (upgrading soon) Sticks - Warrior Dolomite 2-piece with Fedorov blade (2)
  5. HOLY SHIT THOSE LOOK NICE. Wow. Hopefully the dye won't scratch off though - what did you use?
  6. Mine are 14" and they're pretty snug....maybe a little too snug. I'm not sure yet.
  7. Do you have the Ward 13 inchers?
  8. Those kind of look like my Tyutin pro stocks which I still haven't used :)
  9. Sweet.....The XXXX's are too shallow so I am really hoping I will get that good 1/4" gap with the One95's.
  10. One more thing - how is the depth? JR said they were much deeper than the Vapor XXXX's. Any skate you can compare them to? Also, did you pass the pencil test on them?
  11. Thanks for posting the pics!
  12. Damn you. BTW, how is the footbed in them? Same as usual with Bauer (i.e. nothing special)? I'm always hoping Bauer puts a better footbed in their skates as the prices keep going up.
  13. TBL, What kind of palms are on those Arnott gloves? Looks like Nash...
  14. The TPS Lite woodys from back in the day were fairly light....I liked those.
  15. Congrats, David! Hopefully Murray will smarten up next year and play you a lot more! :)
  16. Is it one of those blue Montreal sticks? Those things are ridiculously heavy.
  17. haha...nice reference, Mack.
  18. I think that customizer needs a little work...
  19. Nah, dual. And that is why I used your finished product pics as my template for photoshop :P They better be different or I will be pissed! I like having stuff other people dont have, luckily around here my eagles, my eastons and my new beauties are pretty different. Mostly retail around these parts. Maybe my next pair of eagles will be even more unique as my new gloves that are en route. They're going to be different, I promise. The only thing they'll have in common is that they're Eagles and the main color is black. And I agree - I like "different" stuff...especially gloves.
  20. And that is why I used your finished product pics as my template for photoshop :P
  21. Shawn, if you ever decide to sell those Vapor XXX Coles, I'm your man!!
  22. Those are very nice looking gloves...
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