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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by xstartxtodayx

  1. wow that's a lot of gear from the sale... how much did you end up spending there if you don't mind me asking? I'm new to the whole gear sale thing so just curious, I'm hoping the Islanders have something similar since they're close and not popular since they're horrible (so I shouldn't have to fight too many others looking for gear).
  2. That's a real nice looking curve, nice pick up. Is that a tacki-mac grip or just tape? The pic looks like it may be either one.
  3. That's an understatement. I'd love to give a curve like that a shot, see how many ceiling lights I could take out while aiming for the lower corner of the net
  4. If you're from LI did you happen to get that from Plaza? I was just there tonight trying on some skates and fell in love w/ that Mission Titanium w/ the Sundin curve... beautiful stick w/ such a nice feel.
  5. Perhaps a carbon wrap over a wood blade? That's my guess b/c the hosel area definitely looks like wood (or atleast a wood core) in that picture.
  6. I love those shoulder pads. If they weren't so expensive I'd be all over a pair of them for adult hockey.
  7. Yea it's just a matter of not going overboard and realizing that if something you do causes a problem that you'll probably be responsible for whatever went wrong. With that being said, I agree the ms3 is a sweet package and something most ppl wouldn't expect to be as quick as it is.
  8. I agree, if there was less white on those skates (maybe 50% less?) I'd be all over them. p.s. I think you've got some vaseline or something on your lens :lol:
  9. The 705s with the white logos were the best skates ever. I'm currently in 705s with the silver logos and I swear every pair of them I've seen have been inferior to the whites. I thought JR was first referring to the newer style/model Grafs with all the silver graphics on the sides... but now I realize he was referring to the 705's w/ the silver 705 logo. I always noticed the different logo's but never thought anything of it until now. I got my pair right about 97/98 so I'm guessing they must have been part of the last production of white logo ones... I guess I have good timing and got lucky.
  10. The MS3's are real nice. Don't be afraid of of the voiding your warranty myth as far as modding the car goes and what parts to use... there's no such thing as a cars warranty being voided entirely. If there is a problem with the car, and they can relate it to a modified part, then they can refuse to perform those specific repairs under warranty... but that doesn't mean your warranty is void (magnusson-moss warranty act is the legal precedent behind this). Besides, just find a dealer who is cool w/ mods and you'll have nothing to worry about :D I've got a good number of mods done to my car and I still get warranty work done, I just know that if say I have an issue w/ my suspension that I won't be going to the dealer but rather fixing it myself.
  11. If those are 10 years old it just shows how much Grafs last. Nice laces too. Those were the "good" Grafs. None of that silver crap on the skates. Yea when I looked at those new Grafs w/ the silver and crappy graphics I was a little disappointed, but then again that seems to be the style that all the kids like now a days; too much silver/white/flashy designs on skates these days for my taste. The laces are new, only been used for maybe 3 sessions or so... they seem a little wider than any other laces I've used and I'm really happy with them, no lace bite at all and they keep the skates nice and snug. Oh and the skates are a size 8 from what I remember for the user who commented that they look small... I think the pic makes them look smaller than they really are.
  12. Nothing new but I was messing around w/ my 50mm lens last night and snapped some shots of my Grafs. They're about 10 years old now and I'm thinking I'll be replacing them in a couple months or so. You can't tell from the pic too much but they're really worn on the other side of the skate, right near the ball of the foot it's white from the outer peeling off, as well as plenty of slices from skate blades and the Tuuk's have definitely seen better days.
  13. I'm on the 'tex, don't post much at all but I lurk every day. I go through phases of lurking and posting, usually just stick to my local forums and the photography forum when I do actually post. It's a great way to kill time at work :lol:
  14. Nice, I've been contemplating a pair of Coyotes RBK 4-rolls on monkey for a little bit now, just can't make up my mind.
  15. 2007 VW GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH's, various European trim pieces, some minor engine mods... my daily driver averaging between 27 and 31mpg per fill up (yes I'm anal about calculating it every time). She will turn 2 on Feb 16th and I've just rolled past the 50k mile mark last week (yes I drive a lot). There will be some more mods this coming year and many more miles of course, overall I've been really happy with the car and enjoy driving it every time I get the chance. Anyone else here part of www.vwvortex.com ?
  16. They're beautiful but they just don't go w/ anything I have or I'd be all over them... doh!
  17. I play ice hockey, mens league only at this age Helmet: CCM Vector 08 (maroon) Visor: Oakley Pro Modified Aviator Shoulders: Bauer Flak (don't remember the model but they're from a year or two after they started branding them as Bauer) Elbows: CCM Vector 08 Shins: RBK Fitlite 4k Knee Brace: CTi2 Girdle: Some older Bauer pair, don't remember the model Cover: Tackla black long team issue from college Gloves: Graf G700 black/white 14" Skates: Graf Supra 705 Sticks: Easton Synergy SL Forsberg 85flex cut doen abour 2-3" Easton S11 Heatley 85flex cut down the same
  18. :D it rocks, I've been having a lot of fun with it so far. I'll make sure to chronicle any additional equipment purchases I make from now on :lol:
  19. I haven't posted in here yet so I have a bunch of pics to post, I'll use thumbnails to make viewing easier. I've played for many many years but took the past 2-3 years off due to moving (far away from any rinks :( ) and then being involved in a bad car accident which lead to months of PT and eventually shoul;der surgery and a few more motnsh of PT... but finally I am back playing hockey. As a result I had to get a few new items so I'll just post the newer stuff... oh and this gave me a chance to play w/ my new 50mm F1.8 lens I got for my camera Just picked this up and used it for one game so far, I love it... CCM Vector 08 helmet w/ oakley pro modified aviator (my old visor got ruined when I tried washing it) elbow pads, CCM Vector 08, real comfy and fit great My old Sher-Wood gloves were moldy from sitting in a basement and just really worn so I replaced them w/ these Grafs, I like them a lot so far And lastly the sticks, the Synergy SL is my first OPS and I picked it up over the summer for $80 and fell in love (replaced a few Z-Bubbles I've been using since they came out), I added the S11 just a few weeks ago and tried it out once so far, it'll take a little getting used to
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