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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by xstartxtodayx

  1. Reminds me of a couple of Titans I had back in the early 90's with that concept, concave on the fingertip side and convex on the palm side.
  2. Ordered but there was some recall issue with the Step Steel for the new XS holder so new steel won't be shipping for a few more weeks. Currently I've adjusted a bit to the new steel but the biggest issue I'm having is the height compared to the Step Steel on my old skates, I've bottomed out a few times on sharp turns 🤕
  3. They're way too far for me, prob close to a 3 hour drive through some of the worst traffic around (and they're in Brooklyn, no one ever wants to go there unless you have no choice 😂). I skated on them in another game and in a public skate and they're feeling much better already, definitely had to adjust to the longer steel hitting the ice and the more neutral pitch of the skate compared to my old one. Last game felt 1000x better (it was on much better ice which prob also helped). With all that said, I've bit the bullet and went ahead and ordered some Step Steel for them and am going to join the ProSharp Project to experiment with various profile options... skating on essentially the "standard" option for close to 30 years I'm excited to try some other profiles and see what I like best (I honestly never even tried a different hollow until a couple of yrs ago when I switched from the standard 1/2" to a 5/8", wow what a difference that made for me haha, now I'm on FBV 90/75 and love it, wish I knew about this stuff when I was younger). Thanks all for the replies.
  4. Long Island, NY... eastern part where hockey is practically non existent (closet rink is 45+ mins which has the closest shop, most nights I drive over an hr to play).
  5. The profile project is very tempting, very very tempting.
  6. Thanks for all the input everyone. I went to the shop yesterday to see if they could adjust the pitch or profile them and he looked at me like I had 3 heads, I then asked if he could at least grind off a bit from the front to rocker them a little more and he then told me the machine they use for that is broken, so yea I'm pretty sure I won't be going back there any time soon (JR's mail order sharpening service is looking really really good right about now). I have another game tonight so I'll give them another shot, then this weekend I'm taking the kids to a public skate so I'll give them a little more time and hopefully just get used to them eventually. I compared to my old skates and the steel on them isn't all that old but looks like it's been hacked pretty well by the shop that had been sharpening them (fronts and back really really rockered up). I also put them flat on the counter to try to see if I could compare where the balance point was between new and old and the new skates def had longer steel towards the front and what stood out to me was the new skates seemed to have 1 balance point where as the old skates had 2... I could balance them neutral but then if I angled towards the toe ever so slightly I could balance again on another section which seemed odd (these started as standard step blacksteel blades with their standard profile). I had planned on getting Step Blacksteel for these all along so maybe I'll look into having them profiled from the start.
  7. Thanks. I have a feeling my local shop won't know wtf that is haha, they are more old school but do have a FBV machine that I have them use for me. I'll see what they say but am also considering ordering some Step Blacksteel from here and having JR profile them. Thanks. I was under the impression that the steel on the SB XS was a 10' radius, same as the Step Steel I was previously on, so aside from being new steel and my old blade having more grinded off front/back from sharpening I didn't expect much difference, or am I totally wrong there?
  8. So I've spent a while reading over old topics trying to get as much info as I can but finally decided to just ask specifically since I was just getting more confused. I just picked up new skates, CCM Ribcor 78K with the Speedblade XS, coming from a pair of Vapor X700's with LS Edge and Step Blacksteels. Right off the bat they're amazingly comfortable. I skated in them for the first time last night in a beer league game (wish I could've done a few public skates/puck shoots but I live 45+ mins from the closest rink and puck shoots/open hockey are few and far between)... the boot felt great, it gave me the fwd flex I wanted and wasn't as high and stiff as my old Vapor X700's. The biggest issue I had was the blades/holders... I felt more back in my heels in the CCM's than my Vapors, also it somehow felt like I had more blade out under my toes (same size holders, 263, but this could be because it was brand new steel I'm guessing combined with the more neutral pitch?). I felt good going straight forward and backward once I got going but I couldn't make quick lateral movements stationary or while in motion and starting up I had to sort of concentrate more since it felt so different. So after reading everything I could find I figured I'd see if the shop can try to adjust the pitch of the blade forward a bit (and if that doesn't work maybe shims under the heel, then just swap a set of LS Edge holders if all else fails). Are there any technical terms I should ask for when seeing if they can adjust the pitch? And is this my best option to start with? I was all ready to order new Stepsteel for these holders but now I'm going to wait since, in the end, there's a chance I may be swapping the LS Edge's back on. Thanks in advance for any input.
  9. It kind of reminds me of Lego hair on his head
  10. The V08 def runs larger. I'm a small in mine and anything Bauer I'm a medium. Also, the V08 is a more oval fit compared to the Resistance/310, I bought a Resistance a few years back and after one period of play had to ditch it, it was way too square and just didn't feel good on my head at all.
  11. Oh the stories those gloves could tell 🤣 To the OP, it looks like a legit Trigger 2 to me, I've had a few and now have a couple of Trigger 3D's and from what I can tell it looks legit.
  12. I've never had an HP35 but PP10's are a pant shell (roomier/more boxy than a girdle shell) so it'll fit but if you want the added length you may want to size up. As for your pads, shells don't have any padding, they just sit over your pants (unless you're thinking of pant lowers for 2 pc pants? In that case a PP10 is not that).
  13. I think you mean a Petr Klima style tape job 😉 sincereley, an old guy who is realizing just how old he is.
  14. Where I live you have to wear at least a visor to play in any of the leagues, but many wear full cages. I did the half shield for a few years but after taking a soft deflection off the lip and a few close calls with high sticks I came to my senses and realized I wasn't making millions playing and remembered how much dental work sucks, so the full cage came out of retirement. The only time chirping a guy with a cage is ok is if they're constantly running around trying to start stuff with other guys knowing they're nice and safe behind a cage, otherwise everyone has to go to work in the morning and a cage makes sure your face still looks pretty.
  15. Here's an E/P28, a Kuznetsov pro stock, and an old school Jagr Koho pro stock blade which I used to love (it's a straighter more closed toe curve so I included it for the hell of it) Curves by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr
  16. I don't get many photos of myself since I'm usually the one taking them (I'm a league photographer and shoot photos between shifts in games I'm playing in), but every now and then a teammate grabs my camera and manages to catch me (I've slowly been trying to train a few guys haha).
  17. yea, doing a google image search returned images that don't look quite like the one I have. I have a Warrior Alpha that I got from PSH last fall, I'll snap a shot of it next to a P28 when I get home later.
  18. If you want to go pro stock check out the Kuznetsov curve, it's basically a closed P28. I bought one from PSH to try but found out rather quickly it was too closed for my taste and stuck with my other P28's. Looking now I don't see anymore on their site so my post is useless haha, sorry.
  19. Yea The Rinx is the only place I go since it's the closest to me (only 45mins to get there) and they do a great job sharpening, best I've had since Milty used to do it for our college team (and they do FBV which I recently switched to). btw, it's Jon... maybe Eric is the other guy with the nearly identical username haha
  20. I used to hate this (for those who don't know I play in the same league as Dave and Chris, just different divisions). When I was just a player I hated not knowing the schedule too far in advance but since I started shooting photos for the league and chatting with the kid who more or less runs the league I have a new respect haha he caters the schedule to teams and players, some teams can't play certain nights or prefer certain rinks, then some players are on 2, 3, 4+ teams so games can't conflict and if there are multiple games the same night they need to be at the same rink so players can make both, my head hurt just listening to him but as a result I now understand why we only get 2-3 week notice. On the plus side, I can guarantee some great photos if our teams schedules ever coincide 😉 I would love if we lived in a place where each rink had its own league and things were much more cut and dry but I'm still waiting for a rink to be built that's less than a 45min drive for me.
  21. One of my favorite pieces of gear 😄 I found mine on ebay from a seller in the US for about $50 shipped but was very close to ordering from the Russian guy.
  22. haha, it's prob more of a supply and demand thing too. Where I live, Long Island, NY (pop. about 8 million people), I can probably count all of the hockey stores/shops with my fingers, then when you subtract the ones you wouldn't even trust to sharpen a pair of skates you only need one hand to count. The few good stores are small and the cost of living and running a store in this area is astronomical so naturally we pay more for most services, but something like this I'll gladly pay $28 for to know it was done right (also for comparison, every place charges $10 for sharpenings, this place is one of the few that does FBV and that's $15, I'm sure that's more than a lot of other areas charge).
  23. You guys were right, it was the set screw. I dropped it off today and they called maybe 2 hours later to tell me it was all done (it's a small skate shop in a 2 rink complex with 1 guy working), $2 per rivet was the charge so $28 total. Thanks for the help!
  24. OK double checked, the trigger on the one with the rattle is much easier to pull than the other skate, also now it seems I can't get the blade to lock back in the holder. Looks like I'll be making my way to the shop, hoping they're open today (we have some snow coming today and where I live people panic at the first flurry), then hopefully I can get it fixed up in time for my game tomorrow night.
  25. It felt pretty stiff still but I'll compare to the other skate when I get home. It sounds like something about the size of a screw, my first thought was a rivet head but I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible for that to fall in there, just wasn't sure what sort of hardware was inside.
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