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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Too Old

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Everything posted by Too Old

  1. Pics of yesterday's haul. The EQ5 retros... the Rafalski M-1's... and the Jofa 9044's. The 13" Rafalski's fit as well as my other 14" gloves; that was my only concern when ordering them. Was pleased to find they fit me.
  2. He's also been a great guy to deal with. ;)
  3. Missed JR's post... very good news and we're so happy for you! We just need to help the country out now before disease/etc spreads through the survivors.
  4. Well, in for surgery tomorrow morning. Fibula is broken with the fracture offset a bit. Plate and screws going in. Doc said roughly 10 weeks to fully heal and a bit longer to build things back up. Told me hockey would probably not be a problem. There goes my winter, ouch.
  5. JR, hope all turns out well for you. Wow. To make things fun for me I had a "2009-2010 Red Wings hat trick". A goal, an assist, and an inury. Hope it's just a bad left ankle sprain but I had to be helped off with 3 minutes left in the 3rd. We were way ahead. I was after the puck behind their net and a dman hit me from behind when I had most weight on my left skate as I was turning. Loud pop and down I went. Then an hour drive home from where I played. It's swelled up 2x normal size now after icing it. We'll see what Thursday AM brings...
  6. Bet they'll double that $150 opener too. The single layer palm is something that I don't like a lot necessarily either. Unless it's MSH2, lol. I hated to spend what I did on the Eastons... but...
  7. The glove whore in me at it again... too cool to pass up, lol...
  8. Latest: Skates: Graf 703/G3 Shins: RBK 9K Elbows: Jofa 9044 Shoulders: Jofa 8700 Pants: Tackla NHL TBL/Draper Wings/RBK NHL Rafalski Wings Helmet: Mission Intake pro TBL/Wings Cage: CCM/Jofa 480 Gloves: Eagle PPF red custom/Eagle PPF retail blackout/2 pr Easton Richards TBL pro 4-roll/Mission Kopecky Wings L7 pro/Rafalski Wings M-1 pro/CCM '09 pro style 4-roll retail/Easton special edition EQ5 retro Sticks: RBK 10K pro/RBK 10K retail/CCM U+ retail Undergarments: Itech 1pc/Under Armor skull cap/Bauer skate socks Socks: RBK Edge pro/Edge retail Jerseys: RBK practice Bag: Grit Tower
  9. Just got a pair of return Rafalski M-1 gloves:
  10. The old Jofa stuff is very difficult to find. I got lucky.
  11. Interesting, so did I! ;) :)
  12. Grabbed another set of Red Wings Tackla lowers; these also a size 50 used by Draper.
  13. Many are just a custom-made Easton 800 glove dressed to whatever is desired. The ones I have differ slightly in the cuffs too. The Bio-Dri lining is a tipoff that they're the pro gloves as was mentioned.
  14. All the gloves I have except the newest pair I got; '09 CCM Pro 4-rolls in navy/white. Top row: 2 pr Brad Richards Easton 4-rolls Middle row: Datsyuk 9K returns, Kopecky L7 returns, stock PPF's Bottom row: custom PPF's, blackout PPF's Really do like the fit/feel of all of them. Have had/sold Graf G700's and RBK Pro 4-rolls too. Grafs were a bit too smallish and the RBK's were too loose of a fit.
  15. Kind of a funny story. Back in late '85 just before Christmas we had a guy come into the Amoco station our family owned here in IA. He looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to the face for some reason. He filled up and then came in to pay. I overheard him ask our cashier if we had a phonebook or directory for UNI (University of Northern Iowa) which is here in town. I popped up and told him we did. He asked if he could borrow it and make a call to someone up there on the pay phone. I told him if it was a local call to follow me and he could use the office phone. Well, he looked up the number for a guy in the Athletic Department and when he got him on the line said "hey, this is Bo, are you are you going to be around there for a while?". Yep, it was Bo Schembechler. Here's where it got fun. After he hung up and walked back to the lobby area I offered to sell him one of the Iowa Rose Bowl shirts we had hanging up there, lol. He just laughed and said "NO!". Chatted with him a few minutes and he seemed like a genuine good guy. If I remember he had relatives in Iowa that he was going to visit in a quick in/out trip before their game.
  16. Lovin it x2. Now just need our Hawkeyes to play like they need to and beat GT.
  17. Only one time I've ever been a Bears fan. Hard to believe Mr. Interception could toss a game-winner. Viqueens go down in flames, lol. GO PACK!
  18. Added these to the glove collection:
  19. Especially if it's leather. Or been Scotchgarded if not.
  20. I agree. Thankfully us Wings fans don't have to see him on our bench anymore!
  21. Well... the glove whore in me is still going at it. Since I already have a pair of red and a pair of black Tuff-Tek PPF's.... a pair of Datsyuk 9K returns... and two pairs of Richards Easton nylon 4-roll TBL's... I figured what the heck! After all the reading about the Mission glove love on here some time ago I grabbed a pair of "Kopy's" pro returns. Hope to have them here this coming week and will give them a try. They'll match my Mission Wings helmet too. ;)
  22. Very cool! My uncle/aunt live in the Newcastle area to the SE of the 405/Coal Creek Pkwy. I love it out there and wish I could visit the Seattle area more often. Was bummed that I missed our 5th grader's choir tonight but had to show for our 1st round B league playoff game. I worked my ass off and got the game winner and we move on to the next round on this coming Sunday. Figured if I had to miss seeing her I'd give 110% to make sure.
  23. I was lucky. First car? A '68 Firebird that originally was a 350/4-speed car. Pontiac 350 that it. Then the guy who had it before me swapped out that engine for a '70 GTO RAIII engine. That was a nice improvement, lol. It was a nice tire-melter for a 16 year old kid to have as a first car. As to the Marauder... I'll copy and post up a pic of a good friend's Merc. I did the GM TH400 trans that resides behind the Ford engine courtesy of a JW Ultra-Bell adapter. I build/sell race transmissions and parts as a side business. ;) Wait until you see his car... you'll be surprised! Here's a link to pics of his car: http://www.cvmusclecars.com/album.php?albumid=39
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